Chapter 1

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Ron's POV

"I'm telling you guys, she was crying!" I shouted while carrying my textbook for Transfiguration. Mione rolled her eyes and stepped in front of me, making me and Harry stop walking.

"Ok, then what are we gonna do about it? We don't know her very well. She's not gonna open up to us if we just go up to her!" she said while giving me a challenging look.

"She's right mate. Also, there's the fact that you found her in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom.. she obviously doesn't want anyone to know" Harry said while leaning against the hallway wall.

"I know, I know. I just... I want to help her! She always seems so lonely. I mean there are probably tons of people here at Hogwarts who need just someone to talk to or get advice from" I groaned out feeling frustrated.

"Your right Ron, and, amazingly, you want to help her but let's pick this conversation up after Transfigurations. We're about to be late" Mione sighed while continuing her walk.

"You're doing good mate" Harry patted my back while walking after Hermione. I quickly followed them not joining in on their conversation. I keep thinking about her screams of pain. Bloody hell! How can they shrug it off... I can't get it out of my head. I guess it's because they weren't there. Merlin... What should I do?

"Ronald! Wake up! We're here... are you still thinking about her?" Hermione sighed, putting her hand on my shoulder.

"She needs someone to talk to!" I said putting my head on her shoulder. She sighed and rubbed my back as I felt another warm hand on my other shoulder.

"Luna will be fine. She's stronger than you may think Ron. Let's just get through this class. It's the last one of the day then we can spend all afternoon thinking of how to go about this" Harry whispered comfortingly next to me. I smiled and nodded my head as Hermione shot Harry a look.

"Umm after we do our homework of course!" he shouted, rubbing the back of his neck. I chuckled as Hermione rolled her eyes and grabbed both of our wrists pulling us into the class.

"Good evening Professor McGonagall!" Hermione shouted letting go of us and walking to her seat with a bounce in her step. So much energy.

"Good evening Miss Granger," McGonagall replied while writing down something on a piece of parchment. I followed Harry to our table near the side.

"I suppose we should get started now... has anyone seen Miss Parkinson?" McGonagall asked, taking a look at the empty seat next to Hermione. She then looked over at the quiet two boys in the back.

"Well Mr. Zabini and Mr. Malfoy?" she asked, crossing her arms. Both boys looked up and Malfoy cleared his throat.

"Sick" was all he said before rolling his eyes and looking away. A few Slytherins chuckled as if what he said was funny and I heard a quiet scoff as Harry rolled his eyes as well.

"Ahh thank you" she replied before turning to the object I assume we'll be working with. Professor McGonagall started talking about the lesson but I wasn't bothered to listen. My mind went back to the vulnerable Ravenclaw I stumbled upon earlier.

Right before this class, I was separated from Hermione and Harry because some second year Gryffindor wanted to ask me what it was like to be a Keeper on the Quidditch team. I was flattered and the kid was adorable but Mione and Harry ended up leaving me.

After I talked to the kid he said he had to go to class and I waved him goodbye and started walking fast to try and catch up to my idiotic friends. As I was speed walking I heard a loud sob being echoed through the empty hallway. I cursed myself as I walked toward the noise but I knew I had to make sure whoever was there was ok.

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