Chapter 64

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(Draco's POV)

"What's your last name? I know quite a few purebloods" I smiled at him. He smiled back and shrugged.

"What are the chances of that?" he laughed making me pout. He looked up and seen my face making him just smile more.

"Alright, alright, sorry. My full names Luka Zabini."


Theodore's POV
(Two days in the past - Friday)

"I guess I should head to the Gryffindor common room now. I'll see you tomorrow though Theodore" Neville waved as he turned around and started to walk away. I sighed and continued walking to the basement.

Back to the snake den.

I picked up my pace just so I could get in the comfort of my room faster.

I made it to the common room and tried to keep my head down as I passed.

"Hey! Nott!" Crabbe shouted as he grabbed my shoulder. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before putting on a smile.

"Hey, Crabbe" I greeted him as Goyle walked up as well.

"We didn't know you were coming back so soon" Goyle said standing in front of me with a raised eyebrow. I shrugged and started to walk up the stairs.

"They didn't need me" I lied. They both followed, much to my dismay. I wish I could've stayed outside with Neville. He's so fun to talk to.

I walked ahead of them and opened the door to the dorm. It was trashed. All the beds were unmade and clothes were thrown everywhere.

"What the hell..." I whispered walking to my trunk to see all my things cut up and dirty. The boys behind me started to laugh and I turned around, glaring at them.

"Why did you do this?!" I yelled angrily. They both stared at me before smirking.

"You are such a brat, Nott. How do you think we felt when the Dark Lord chose you instead of us! We're just his goons and you're bodyguards now!" Goyle yelled with so much hatred in his eyes.

"If you want to be his number one then fucking do it!" I shouted back not caring about my volume.

"Yeah right! He'd never choose us as long as you're still around" Crabbe growled, making me chuckle darkly.

"Then kill me. Lift your wand and say two fucking words, I dare you" I spat out just watching them. Crabbe's face fell, as expected. Goyle continued to glare before reaching for his wand. I rose an eyebrow as he pointed it at me.

"You really want this?" he asked quietly making me chuckle.

"Spare me the questions and fucking do it" I said closing my eyes. Was he actually gonna do it? My hands started to shake the longer we stayed in silence. I considered opening my eyes and laughing it off, if I give them food they'll probably forget all about it.


But I would deserve it. Someone like me? Pfft, I'm surprised karma hasn't gotten me yet! I guess this is it though, it should've been me instead of Draco to begin with. Maybe I'll get a chance to apologize in the afterlife, is there an afterlife? I've always wanted to know, I guess this is it.

I didn't plan on ending my life this fast, but I also didn't think what I had been doing all my life was wrong... and it was. This is the only way to be freed of all the bad things I've done, and to get away from Voldemort. Not only that but I can't think of one person who would be sad of my passing. Would anyone even notice?

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