Chapter 19

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(Ron's POV)
I looked away towards Blaise. Is he going to be ok? Surely Snape wouldn't hurt him... right?

Blaise's POV
(Same day - Tuesday)

"What in Salazar's name are you doing at this
disgusting place watching those pesky lions!" Snape shouted as I quickly stood up.

"I just wanted fresh air. I forgot about their practice but they haven't even noticed me" I said calmly knowing if I showed any emotion about this he would know I was lying.

"Are you sure you aren't here to just watch your newest friends? Just because you selfishly "saved" him doesn't mean you can go make friends Zabini" he scowled with a cold tone as I nodded.

"Slytherins don't need friends. They're pointless, especially those brainless Gryffindors, they'll leave you in the end" he spat out turning around. I grit my teeth mentally smacking myself for what I was about to do.

"You're wrong, Professor! Just because that happened to you doesn't mean they're all like tha-" I was cut off by a sharp smack as I flew to the ground. I groaned as my head smashed against the floor and my hand flew to my cheek.

"Don't ever speak to me like that again or I will get your parents involved" he ordered making me tense and jump back onto my feet standing up straight. I knew when he said "parents" he met my mother and current stepfather both of which are very abusive.

"Right, I'm sorry Professor. It won't happen again" I apologized ignoring the pain in the back of my head and the throbbing in my jaw.

"This is the second time Zabini, third time and you're done" he whispered while turning around and walking away.

When he was out of reach I sank to my knees putting my head in my hands. I felt tears blur my vision before I started to think of Pansy and Draco. I need to make sure they're okay. I jumped up wiping my eyes and looked over at the field. The Gryffindor practice was still going but the two weren't there.

After I thought about it I started to speed walk to the Slytherin common room thinking that was where my friends would be. I winced as I threw my hand up to my cheek rubbing the bruising area he had hit. My jaw was aching and my head was throbbing.

"Blaise!" Draco shouted out of nowhere as I felt small arms wrap around me, Pansys. I guess they were too worried to go back to the dorms.

"Pansy be careful he could be hurt again, are you alright?" Draco asked running up to me and looking over me. I saw him relax when he didn't see any bloodstains. Then he looked up to my face and tensed up again.

"Merlin that slimy git, are you ok Blaise?!" Pansy shouted as she moved my hand away from my cheek and replaced it with her own.

"I'm fine you guys, but let's move out of the hallway," I said and they nodded pulling me along with them to the common room. We were moving fast and I was practically tumbling trying to keep up with them.

"Slow down. We're basically there" I scolded as we rounded the corner of the basement.  They ignored me and kept running making me sigh.

When we got to the common room it was full of students, so we quickly passed through and went to the dorm.

"Hey, it's not our turn, what will we do if Nott is in there?" Pansy asked and I shrugged.

"You are the ones who pulled me here," I said crossing my arms as she huffed. Draco rolled his eyes and opened the door. Thankfully they weren't there. Draco let out a sigh of relief as he pulled us both in and locked the door.

He then ran into the bathroom and came back with a bowl of water.

"Pansy, can you get out a piece of clothing that's thick so Blaise's face doesn't freeze but also doesn't mask the cold from the ice?" Draco asked her as she nodded and ran to my trunk.

He then turned to the bowl and set it down on his trunk grabbing his wand and pointing at it.

"Glacius" he shouted as the water froze over making a small half-circle of ice. He smiled and pulled it out before immediately dropping it.

"Cold!" he shouted while rubbing his hand as Pansy ran over to him as if this whole thing was an urgent matter and I was on my death bed.

"It's a punch to the face I've had worse you two," I said with a chuckle causing them both to look at me and frown. Draco then grabbed my shirt from Pansy and wrapped the ice in.

"It's still important we can't have it bruising. Now here keep that on no matter how cold it gets!" he said sternly pointing his wand in my face making me put my hands up in surrender.

"Got it," I said taking the ice and moving it to my cheek.

"Thank you two. I think I'm gonna go to bed early today" I told them as they nodded.

"That's a good idea. Get some rest, Blaise. We're gonna go to Quidditch practice" Draco whispered hugging me. I hugged him back with a chuckle.

"Good night, mom. I'm gonna borrow your notes, I'll give them back tomorrow" Pansy sang while Draco moved away from the hug and she took his place.

"Alright make sure you learn some from it though. Night kids" I sighed as I headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I'll have to shower in the morning, I am way too tired. Within 5 minutes I had finally gotten to my sweet soft bed and had fallen asleep very easily despite the freezing ice that was still resting on my cheek.

Ron's POV

I was lying awake in bed because I couldn't sleep again. After watching the way Parkinson and Malfoy freaked out when seeing Snape with Blaise I got really nervous. I want to know what's going on with them but I'm not close enough to just go up to either of them and ask.

This is pointless! I'm just sitting in bed doing absolutely nothing. I should be working off this stupid fat if anything. I huffed out loud and opened my curtain to a pitch-black room. All my friends' curtains were closed except Dean's bed, no surprise there.

I grabbed my wand and cast the Tempus spell to see that it was 2:30. Rubbing my eyes before quietly getting out of bed and tip-toeing to my chest. I quickly got dressed in a long sleeve shirt and some black sweatpants. That should keep me warm.

Grabbing my broom I slowly closed the chest, after grabbing my shoes. Taking my time I walked out of the dorm trying to keep all the noises down and sighed when I finally closed the door, securing my escape. I walked down to the common room and wasn't surprised when I saw the empty room.

Going to the couch, I sat down putting on my shoes. I'm kinda hungry maybe I could make a stop at the kitchens. Wait, what am I talking about?! The whole reason I'm out here is to lose this stupid weight! I can't eat more than necessary! Bad Ron!... great now I'm treating myself like a dog.

I sighed and stood up determined to make it outside before I changed my mind and ran to the kitchen. I made it outside quickly due to my fast pace but almost ran into Filch once because I forgot to be quiet.

Once I was outside I smiled and got on my broom riding it down to the Quidditch pitch.

I'm not much of a captain but Harry would probably say something like "warm-up with 20 laps" or something... but he's more fit so maybe I should try and do 30. I mean it's only ten more how hard can it be.

After 15 laps my whole body was sweating yet shivering cold at the same time. I forgot it was in the middle of October, and it was extremely cold, especially at night. My throat was dry and I felt a little dizzy but I'm sure this is how Harry feels whenever he wins a Quidditch game for us. I just have to endure till I reach my goal.

I picked up the pace leaning forward more as I continued my laps. I had done another 10 and was very proud of myself but I felt a lot worse as I added a cough to my symptoms. My hands were getting shaky and the broom was swaying but I did my best to stay on track. Only 5 more don't chicken out.

My eyes were going blurry as they kept smacking into the cold wind and I was practically riding with them closed because I couldn't see and it hurt when the wind blew into them.

I smiled when I finished lap 30 and I lowered myself to the ground. I put my foot out to step off the broom but ended up tumbling down and face planting into the grass.

"Ouch... this is nice" I whispered cuddling up to the soft grass in comparison to the freezing cold wind above. I shivered as my eyes slowly closed and I lost all consciousness.

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