Chapter 26

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When we got to the classroom I found Ron sitting inside. I smiled but then lost it as I saw Harry standing in front of him yelling at Nott, Hermione glaring at Crabbe and Goyle. Shit.

"Blaise don't be stupid" Draco said with a worried glance over to me. I'm gonna murder Nott.

Blaise's POV
(Same day - Wednesday)

I scowled and quickly walked into the room.

"Nott go to your seat you're so annoying" I say trying to sound casual as I walked up to him. He turned around with a growl.

"Sit down Zabini, you don't want to mess with me" he spat out and I closed my eyes with a sigh and looked around the classroom. It was pretty full but thankfully Snape wasn't here.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. It's just kinda weak to mess with someone who can't see" I chuckle with an eye roll and he growled once again.

"Shut up!" he shouted and turned fully around grabbing my robe.

"What? You gonna punch me. Such an angry little puppy" I teased and he tightened his grip.

"Don't fucking mess with me Zabini I'll knock you out" he says thorough gritted teeth making me cringe.

"You're all bark and no bite" I smirked but felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Blaise, stop it," Pansy whispered, making Nott loosen his grip.

"Zabini?" Ron whispered and looked past Harry. Nott turned around and smirked.

"Yeah, your little fairy princess came to save you" he snickered, making Ron's eyebrows raise and he looked down. Something in me snapped and I turned Nott around, grabbed his shirt and punched him in the face. He fell to the ground with a groan as the whole class looked at me surprised.

"Blaise..." Harry trailed off. Crabbe gasped and moved forward to lunge at me but stopped as a voice cleared its throat.

"Zabini..." I turned around wide eyes and stared at Snape as he had an unreadable look on his face.

"Your parents are on their way" he smiles and just that one sentence made my heart drop as it was filled with fear and my newfound anxiety. I heard a chuckle come from Nott as he stood up and patted my shoulder. I flinched and turned to look at him.

"Thanks for the show" he smiled and walked off. I looked at Ron and saw Hermione whispering into his ear as he had a frown on his face.

I looked over to Draco and Pansy and they both had fear in their eyes as well.

"Now please find your seat Mr. Zabini" he folded his arm, walking to the front of the classroom. I shook my head no and felt my body begin to shake. Without thinking I ran out of the classroom ignoring the shouts I got in protest.

My mother is impatient which means she's going to floo over here so she could be here any mome-

"Blaise honey, why are you running?"

I'm too late. I slowly turned around and my heart plummeted. It felt like a Hippogriff was stomping all over it. Not only was my mother and stepfather here...

"Hello mother, Mrs. and Mr Malfoy, and Mrs. and Mr. Parkinson" I said with a straight face as my whole body shook. My stepfather scowled and I mentally rolled my eyes.

"Hello Blaise" Chloe, Pansy's mom, said to me and I gave a small smile and nod to her.

"Why aren't you in clas-" Lucius was saying but cut off from a shout behind him.

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