Chapter 21

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"Your such a good mom even to those that aren't your lovely kids" Pansy giggled making me roll my eyes. I then watched as Granger's eyes opened and she whipped her head in between me and Pansy.

"Mom?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

Blaise's POV
(Same day - Wednesday)

"Oh yeah, it's just a joke, but Pansy and Draco call me mom because I'm the only responsible one in our group," I said with a chuckle as I heard Draco let out a little puff. I could feel Ginny's shoulders shaking but I couldn't tell if she was crying or laughing so I just continued to rub her back.

"Oh... ok. That's cute" she whispers, narrowing her eyes and staring at the wall. She seemed to be lost in thought before snapping back out of it.

"Well, what are we supposed to do now. We have classes today" she sighed with a sad tone. Ginny took her head from my shoulder and turned to Granger.

"You'd have to be mental if you think I'm leaving him for some stupid classes," she scowled and then immediately turned back into me squeezing me tighter with little hiccups.

"Hey little ginger, don't be going all soft on me. Where's the badass girl I see every day in the halls or when your kicking ass on the Quidditch pitch?" I joke getting her to chuckle.

"I'm just worried" she mumbles out and I nod my head as I lay it on hers rubbing her back.

"I know you are... I am too" I whisper the last part so only she can hear. She looks up surprised and I shrug my shoulders. She sends me a little smile and I smile back. I wonder if she knows how serious I am. Hopefully, she doesn't know that I like, like him. That would be awkward and then she would tell him and I would never be able to face him aga-

"Alrighty, I'm assuming you are all here for Mr. Weasley even though I'm positive I told you to go to class, but now it seems like you've just duplicated" Madam Pomfrey sighed coming out of the room, she stared Pansy and I down. I blushed a little embarrassed while giving an apologetic look.

"Yes ma'am, how is he?" Granger asked moving her hands away from each other as they were fidgeting. She was obviously worried then a thought crossed my mind... bloody hell what if they were dating?!

Why hadn't I thought of that?! Like yeah, it's known that Granger likes girls and Ron likes guys but they never exactly said their sexuality and they could like both! I'm screwed. I heard Madam Pomfrey give a little clap and I looked back over to her. Ron's health is more important right now.

"Let's start then... frostbite can occur to someone in freezing temperatures if they are outside for 30 minutes. Mr. Weasley, though it wasn't freezing, was in colder temperatures for more than 2 1/2 hours. This along with his lack of proper clothing, dehydration, and lack of sleep have caused the tissues in his fingers and toes to freeze" she said while looking at all of us. Well shit.

I thought back to when I was holding his hand and cringed when I remember the blue color and stiff texture his fingers had. I shivered and looked around to see the devastated faces on everyone listening.

"How can we get rid of it?" I asked. Though I do know what frostbite is I have no idea how bad it is and I've never had to deal with it. Plus I'm sure the severity of it will affect the treatment.

"It's not too severe so it can be healed with gradual warming. He'll need to wear gloves all day and warm socks all day. He may have trouble walking and he will need someone to help him write. Because of the wrist movement in most spells he is temporarily banned from his wand" she informed us, Harry stepping forward. Banned? Why does it sound like they are punishing him?

"Wait a minute, what do you mean banned? You act like he did something wrong?" he said with a confused but angry face. She sighed and motioned him to calm down. So he shut his mouth and crossed his arms over his chest.

"I say banned because his wand will need to be taken away. Unlike other patients, I know that if he has access to his wand, no matter what I or any other teachers say, he will use it. He's spent too much time around you, Mr. Potter" she chuckles with an amused but annoyed face as he blushed and step back. I smiled amused as well.

"Right... sorry... Madam Pomfrey you can continue" he shyly mumbles, Draco started to snicker. He turned his head to Draco and gave him a glare before turning away. Draco then gave me a little pout and I gave him a look that said "you had it coming" and he just sent me a frown and looked back to Madam Pomfrey. I think Ginny witnessed everything as I heard her giggle. I smiled glad that she was feeling a little better.

"Thank you. We shall move on then. As he is awake right now he told me what happened. He was riding his broom in the windy conditions, because he was forcing his eyes open against the wind he has corneal abrasions to both eyes" she looks back to the door.

"Does that mean he's blind?" Harry asked looking confused. She sighs and puts her head in her hand.

"Mr. Potter, may I finish?" she asked and he closed his mouth and nodded. Draco started to laugh again but this time Granger and Pansy joined. Potter again gave Draco a glare causing him to frown again.

I held in a smile and rolled my eyes. Draco wants Potter's attention, yet pouts when he gives it to him. Maybe if he tried to be nice instead of laughing at him he'd get somewhere.

"A corneal abrasion is a wound to the transparent tissue that covers the front of an eye" she then looked to Potter as he opened his mouth.

"Is it important?" she asked and he nodded really fast as she rolled her eyes.

"Get on with it then".

"What are his symptoms? How can we make it better? Will he go blind?" he asked worriedly.

"If left untreated Mr. Weasley may go blind, but as of right now it is minor and we plan to start the treatments right away. As for the symptoms there is a list I will give you, but I can list them right now if you want" she explains, we all nodded our heads yes making her smile.

"Right, first there is watering or irritation in the eyes. An annoying feeling that there is something in the eye. Pain, blurred vision, and sensitivity to light" she lists off symptoms while also configuring up a pile of papers and handing them out to all of us. I grabbed mine and seen the list of symptoms she just went over along with the treatments Ron would need.

"As for how to fix it... I have explained all of this to Mr. Weasley and he has the eye drops that he should take 2-3 times a day, 4 if they are especially irritated. He also has ointment if his eyes ever start to swell but please make sure he comes back if they do. It should heal in 24-72 hours and hopefully will not progress to corneal erosion or an infection" she finished as I looked down at the list.

"Madam it says on the list he will have an eye band for both his eyes what's that?" Ginny, who was still in my arms but facing forward, asked.

"He has that on inside right now due to the number of lights in the room. As I said he is very sensitive to lights and without the eye band his eyes would become even more irritated and he could get migraines from the amount of squinting he would do. I gave him two extras and I need you all to make sure that every time he takes it off, whether it be to get a quick break or to sleep he replaces the dirty one or at least washes it" she warns and we all nodded.

"Great, I will let you all see him three at a time so he doesn't get overwhelmed. I want you to keep in mind he can't see with the band and without it, his vision is blurry so you will all need to be as supportive as you can through this all. Before that, I need to talk to Mrs. Weasley, Granger, and Mr. Potter" she said then turned to Pansy, Draco, and I.

"If you three would like to go in then you can, if not please leave the hall for a few minutes". Those two nodded and started to walk away.

"Hey, where are you going? I want to see him!" I shouted at them and they just waved goodbye with a smirk.

"We'll be in the dorm, bye mom~" Pansy snickered grabbing Draco's hand and running.

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