Chapter 49

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(Hermione's POV)

"I've got to tidy up just in case Pansy comes back sooner then planned. Can't be looking like an ogre when I ask her out" I smiled with a newfound bounce in my step.

Blaise's POV
(3 days before - Saturday)

After we had left Hogwarts in a hurry we all appparated to Diagon alley. I thought it would be a bad idea to be in public, but apparently Dad had a plan. Once there, Dad told us all to act causal as we walked around for a few minutes and went into a bunch of different stores.

We seemed to be moving towards a specific goal before we entered a store that I was kinda embarrassed to enter.

"Wait Dad, can we not go in this one? You do know that Ron's brothers own it right?" I whispered and he shushed me but pulled me inside. I groaned hoping we could avoid them and get out as soon as possible.

When we got inside I was surprised to see the lights were off and the store was empty. Dad dragged me, Pansy and Draco followed up the stairs and behind a counter to what seemed to be a back room. Was there an exit that led to an empty alleyway?

We seemed to be going farther back into the store until we reached a hallway with no windows and Dad took off his hood. We did as well assuming it was safe now. We kept walking though, no one saying anything scared to break the utter silence.

We finally reached the end of the hallway and Dad knocked on the door. There was quick shuffling behind it as it was swung open and we were all greeted with bright colors and lights.

"Hello!" one twin said. I quickly looked down severely embarrassed. These were my boyfriends brothers... who I had just kissed!

"You've made it here. Hopefully it wasn't too much of a hassle" the other one said and then they both stepped aside showing off the room.

"Come on in" they said together as Dad walked in with a small smile and we followed still confused on why we were here.

I looked around the room and seen that there were three beds, a couch, and two desks. There weren't any windows and the place looked kinda depressing, even though it was filled with bright colors. The bed sheets were different neon colors, one pink, one yellow, and one lime. The walls had stripes down them with three different colors repeating in a pattern. Orange, yellow, pink. Orange, yellow, pink.

The floor was wood but had a huge orange carpet drawn out on it and the ceiling was a blank white one which seemed to be the only thing that didn't scream exoticness.

Pansy, Draco, and I all sat down on the couch as my Dad and the twins stood before us. The twins were smiling as they talked to Dad quietly, who was nodding to what they were saying. It was like that for a few minutes before Dad turned to us.

"Ok, you might've figured it out but this is where we are going to be hiding out" he said causing my eyes to widen. We're hiding here?!

"The Weasley's aren't very popular amongst the rest of the high class pure blood family's like yourselves so I thought this place would be perfect because He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named would never think to check here" he continued as we all were still staring in shock.

"We're staying... here?" Draco whispered and Dad nodded his head as the twins stared awkwardly standing off to the side.

"I met them when I first bought a bunch of their products on Friday night. I ended up chatting with them for awhile when I found out that they were Ron's older brothers. I told them a bit about the situation with your parents and they said if you ever needed a place to stay they'd be more then welcome to let us use this space. I sent them an owl while we were leaving Hogwarts and then picked up the owl they sent back when we were going through one of the other stores in Diagon alley, that's why I was stalling so much" he answered and I nodded my head understanding now. I then stood up and started pacing.

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