Bonus Chapter ||

376 9 6

Luka's POV

I felt my breathing pick up as we entered the dark region. Why did he bring me here? What could he possibly have been thinking? Will I be able to think of an escape... if needed?

I heard branches snap from every direction and flinched with each one. This is not allowed. We're gonna get in trouble. Or hurt. This is forbidden.

"Are you okay Luka?" he asked stopping in front of me as my eyes darted around the dark gloomy forest.

"I just... don't think we should be here" I said out of breath as my heart thumped in my chest.

This was a horrible idea. Why did I follow him?! He's mental!

"Listen, I know this isn't ideal, but if you hold on for a few minutes this spot will blow your mind." he said grinning that crazy, psychotic grin.

I nodded my head but gripped my wand under the robe I had draped over me. I continued to slowly follow him as he grinned uncontrollably. Why does he look so comfortable here... so natural.

"Do you come here often?" I found myself asking trying to get my mind off the stampede my heart was imitating.

"I frequent... specific parts. Like the one I'm gonna show you" he answered smirking. I shuddered and forced out a smile.

I need to get out of here before I have a heart attack.

I took a deep breath and stopped walking. He noticed and turned around, facing me.

"I-I can't do this. The farther we go, the less oxygen I can get into my lungs. This just doesn't sit right with me. I need to go back Marcelo." I told him as his grin fell and his shoulders slumped.

"B-But... we're almost there. I swear! There's like one more minute! And the place is so beautiful and the atmosphere is nothing like the rest of the forest" he pleaded.

I looked into his sad, desperate eyes and sighed.

"Merlin, I'm too weak to you. Let's hurry up" I said somewhat annoyed as his face brightened and he grabbed my hand. We thankfully sped up.

I didn't really have time to focus on the threateningly scenery though because my eyes were drawn to his hand in mine. Did he do this to distract me on purpose? I found myself smiling a bit before my heart completely reduced to it's normal, orderly beat.

I was surprised as I could hear more things now. Like running water, almost like there was a waterfall near. And I heard my breathing quiet down as well.

I also don't feel so anxious anymore. I looked away from our hands and gasped as we came to a stop.

This... was... magnificent.

There is no way this is apart of the same forest.

The grass was a bright green and the trees mirrored the color. Flowers were blooming prosperously from every side, all different shades and shapes. There was in fact a small waterfall maybe 10ft in height and 4ft in width. It ran into a small lake that was probably no more than a standard Hogwarts' dormitory. The water was a radiant blue and seemed clean of any animals.

"Do you like it? It's kind of boring but I thought it was cute. Don't tell Dumbledore it's here though!" Marcelo said probably looking at me.

I didn't know for sure as I couldn't take my eyes off the contrast of the grass I was standing on and the grass I had just walked on only 10 feet away.

"How did you find this place?" I asked skeptically. It's unnatural here in the middle of everything. It's like an island of life surrounded by death, death, and more death.

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