Chapter 33

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(Blaise's POV)

I looked to where he [Draco] was pointing and saw my dad on the floor next to Ron whose eyes were wide. I watched as they started talking and smiled.

"Good thing they get along well," Pansy whispered and I nodded in agreement.

Ron's POV
(Later in the day - Thursday)

"You know if you don't want to we don't have to have a party. It was just an idea" Neville repeated for about the tenth time. I sighed and turned towards him.

"Neville your idea was great. We all want to hang out together so it's fine. Don't freak" I told him and he nodded, but still looked freaked.

"You are just so adorable, Neville," Lavender buds in, walking up to him, interlocking her arm around his. I watched him cringe and look at me but I just slowly backed away putting my hands up. That's all on you buddy. Sometimes I regret walking with the rest of the 7th year Gryffindors.

"Hey, when are we meeting up with Draco again? I forgot?" Harry asked, coming up next to me and putting his arm on my shoulder.

"Why'd you only say Draco?" I smirked and he rolled his eyes, pushing my face away from him.

"Shut up," he hissed with a small blush forming on his face.

"When are you going to ask him out?" I questioned making Harry's eyes widen.

"Woah, slow down. I don't even know if he's gay!" he whispered and I rolled my eyes.

"Are you stupid? Have you seen how he reacts around you?" I groaned and he thought for a minute before giving me a confused look.

"No why? Is it obvious?" he asked, straightening up and smiling like a little puppy. I laughed and nodded my head.

"Super obvious mate. So obvious that you should ask him out like right now" I encourage him, he was so out of it he just nodded with a huge grin.

"Yes, yes I'll do that" he mumbled while almost walking right into Mione.

"What's with him?" Dean asked, walking up beside me with his hand in Seamus's, who also had a curious look on his face.

"He's in love," I sing, making them look at him in surprise.

"Yes, yes. Love" he mumbled practically skipping away and up to Neville who was still trying to get Lavender off of him. We all started laughing at his deranged state before Mione asked a question I didn't know how to answer.

"So who is it then?" Her calm state was childish. I was very close to answering before I remembered that Harry hadn't come out to anyone but me. I closed my mouth and thought of an answer.

"He didn't tell me," I used a fake pout. The three looked at me warily but I continued to pout and they just shrugged it off.

"We'll have to corner him later and make him tell us," Seamus grins evilly.

"You are such an evil little one," Dean laughed while swinging their arms together. Seamus grinned and then leaned up towards him. I already knew what was coming next as I turned away and made a gagging noise.

"Like you and Zabini haven't done the same thing," Seamus shouts pulling back away from Dean. I blushed but spun on my heel to face him.

"Not so loud! Plus you're wrong" I shoot out crossing my arms making Seamus quirk an eyebrow.

"Really? How boring" he teased and I rolled my eyes.

"We're going at our own pace, and unlike you two we hadn't been friends for years before we started to date... technically he hasn't even asked me to be his boyfriend" I grumbled to them as they nodded.

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