Chapter 2

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"Wait! I've got an idea about how we can help Luna!" Mione cheered, making both Harry and I stop in our tracks.

Ron's POV

"How?!" I yelled, grabbing her shoulders. She rolled her eyes and kept walking, making me stumble after her.

"You said that there were probably a lot of people at Hogwarts who just need some help whether it's advice or someone to talk to, right?" she said while looking at me. I gave a short nod and she continued.

"Well, what if we set up a little support group or club-like activity where we just give up a little bit of our time and people from all houses can come together and talk to us, get advice from us, make friends from different houses, and more. If it gets popular maybe Luna will come to talk to us as well" she finished while looking between me and Harry.

"That's amazing Mione! You're brilliant, I could kiss you right now!" I cheered while turning to her. She immediately cringed back and held a hand to my chest.

"1. That's disgusting.
2. You're gay.
3. I'm gay.
4. That's disgusting" she finishes flicking my forehead. I whined and rubbed the same spot I did earlier when I hit my head on the desk.

"It was metaphorical! Didn't you say it was a muggle thing that you say when someone says something that you like?!" I asked looking at her as I've heard her say this phrase many times.

"Did I?" she asked while we walked up to the Gryffindor portrait. I rolled my eyes and gave a big nod as Harry said the password and we all stepped inside.

"Oh... well I don't remember that. Anyway, where are we doing the homework? The common room seems pretty... full" she mutters while a bunch of first years was running around chasing each other, sending a tickling jinx to their friends. I'm assuming they just learned that. Ahh to be young.

"Your still young stupid" a new voice spoke up, smacking me on the back of the head. I looked over at my annoying sister as she smirked.

"Bloody hell Ginny! How'd you know what I was thinking?!" I shouted at her making Hermione roll her eyes and turn toward Harry.

"It's written all over your face. Now if you excuse me I'm going to find Luna" she said while walking past me. I didn't know she hung out with Luna. Suspicious...

"It's really not suspicious at all," Mione groans while walking towards the stairs to the boys' dormitory with Harry. I gaped at her then ran after them.

"How'd you... how... what?!" I have trouble finding words. Confused at how everyone was reading my mind.

"Honestly Ronald. No one is reading your mind. Who would want to know what goes on up there? It's all in your facial expressions!" she said while opening the 7th year boys' dorm.

"Whatever! My facial expressions aren't that easy to read" I scoffed going to my bed.

"Hello, Hermione, Harry, and Ron! How's your day been?" Neville asked from his bed as he opened the curtains.

"Pretty normal. Where's Dean and Seamus?" Harry whispered looking at Dean's empty bed and Seamus's bed with the curtains closed.

"They've been in there for about thirty minutes," Neville answered, pointing to Seamus's bed.

"Should've known" I chuckled out as the curtains were suddenly pushed aside. Both boys were on the bed out of breath as Seamus' face heated up.

"You know we can hear you right?" Dean laughed while laying down on the bed.

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