Chapter 61

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(Ron's POV)

"What if it wasn't... Draco?" Blaise asked me looking me right in the eye. I raised an eyebrow but didn't look at him.


"Blaise, I know he's your best friend... but you saw it with your own eyes. We all did. I'm sorry you're going through this, but I will always be here" I told him looking him right in the eye, but he didn't hold the contact. He sighed and nodded looking away.

Neville's POV

I walked around outside keeping away from all the people lingering around and minding their own business.

How would they know one of their classmates was just murdered. I felt my eyes sting briefly before I forced them away. All I've been doing is crying and I need to stop acting like a baby.

That's not gonna bring Draco back.

I was lost in my own world and didn't see the person standing a few feet in front of me, until I bumped into them of course.

"Oh shoot, I'm sorry" I said as I put a hand on their arm to steady myself. I looked up at them and unconsciously took a step back. He gave a hurt look before looking down.

"It's fine. I saw you coming I probably should've moved or said something" Nott spoke softly. I looked over him and seen that he looked just as bad as we all did. He too cried a lot when Draco died. Snape was the only one who didn't shed a tear.

We stood in an awkward silence before Nott cleared his throat and started to walk away.

"Wait! C-Can we talk?" I asked him knowing I had a lot of questions I wanted to ask him and now was the perfect chance.

He turned around with wide eyes and shyly nodded.

I took a deep breath knowing this might not go over well.

"Do you have... the dark mark?" I asked him in a whisper as I gazed over his arm. He was silent as he stared straight ahead at me before he slowly nodded.

"I do" he told me looking down to the ground. He looked so sad. I frowned and slowly moved toward him. I didn't know what I was doing until I wrapped my arms around him.

"Longbottom, what are you doing?" he asked concerned as he put his hands on my shoulders, applying pressure trying to push me away. I tightened my grip, determined to give him some sort of comfort.

"You're still welcomed here, Nott. Having said that let me hug you because you definitely need it" I said with a stern tone making him quietly chuckle. I felt his arms wrap around me timidly for a few seconds before he pulled away and backed out of the hug.

"A-Anyway do you have any other questions you wanted to ask?" he asked me turning away a bit as if embarrassed. I did, loads of questions. But I feel like we just got a bit closer so I don't want to ruin this mood.

"No, I guess that's it... want to walk around for a bit?" I suggested and he hesitated a bit before nodding. We walked silently together towards the tree line along the Forbidden Forest. He had his hands in his sweatshirt pocket while I swung mine around a bit.

I started to hum a bit getting a little bit uncomfortable with the awkward silence that was starting. I looked around at all the nature and smiled while taking in a deep breath. So beautiful.

I glanced at Nott and seen him looking back at me with an unreadable look and quickly blushed averting my gaze.

I looked to the ground hearing him chuckle quietly. I seen something purple below and when I moved closer I couldn't help but gasp.

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