Chapter 55

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(Ron's POV)

"It's ok Neville, I'll help you. Don't listen to Ron. Just for that let's start with Potion's homework!" Mione cheered moving that to the top of her pile. I groaned and went to protest but seen Mione giving me a look. Potions it is.

Blaise's POV
(The next day - Thursday)

"Merlin, I would kill for some sweets from Honeydukes" Pansy whined as she laid on her bed face down. I ignored her and kept reading the book that the twins' had gotten me a few days ago. I hadn't read it yet but finally cracked earlier today after consistently listening to Pansy and Draco's whines.

"I couldn't agree more" dad pouted from next to me. Oh and of course he wasn't any better. I seriously feel like I'm the only adult here. I lost track of what line I was reading and groaned as I scanned over the page trying to find it again. Sadly that moved their attention to me.

"Blaise, talk to us!" my dad shouted grabbing my arm and shaking it. I continued to ignore him as I started to just reread the page. Trying to find my spot would be too much work.

Before I got very far the room started to shake a bit making my dad sit up and look around.

"What's that?" Pansy asked before a loud scream was heard, but this wasn't just any scream it was like a high pitched laugh and scream combined. I dropped my book as chills went through my body.

We all turned to each other before the door to the room slammed open causing us to jump and look at the twins who both had scared looks.

"We need to get out! Now!" Fred screamed as he ran to Draco's bed and shook the boy awake. There was a loud bang that sounded from the other side of the building as we all jumped up.

"What's going on?!" I asked running to grab some of my stuff.

"Death eaters. They've found us" dad said and George nodded.

"We have to go. Leave your stuff!" he shouted as I grabbed my wand and the envelope that held Ron's letter and picture.

We all then ran out of the room, Fred and George leading the way. I don't get how this could happen! How did they find us?!

There was another louder bang as rubble fell from the ceiling. The shaking caused Pansy and George to fall over but they were both caught.

"Careful, we have to go out a window" Fred said helping George up as dad helped Pansy. We kept running as debris fell around us and our legs shaking.

Fred finally ducked into a room and we all followed.

"Shit..." he said trying to back up but George was right behind him. I looked to where he was looking and felt my heart drop. The window was open and two death eaters looked to have just climbed through.

"Look who it is" one smirked. I was in the back of the group and tried to turn around but cussed as two more death eaters ran through the door.

"Sweet, we found them! We'll definitely be let in the inner circle for this!" a younger man said. He sounded familiar but had a hood covering most of his face.

"Quiet boy" an older male said beside him and he immediately shut up. Fred and George were both looking around before they lifted their wands up.

"Expelliarmus!" they both shouted pointing to the people by them that came in through the window. Draco and I then lifted our wands and pointed them to the people in front of us.

"Stupefy!" we shouted but they were just as fast.

"Ennervate" they both blocked the spell.

"Crucio!" the younger male shouted pointing his wand at me. Draco and I both froze but I felt myself being pushed back as my dad took the hit. He fell to the floor and started screaming. I dropped down next to him and grabbed him.

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