Chapter 8

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"What were Malfoy, Zabini, and Parkinson doing here?! Did they hurt you?!" Harry said while Hagrid turned around wide-eyed nearly dropping his cup.

"Don't you go telling anyone you saw 'em here or they'll be getting in big trouble!" he said practically shouting. Realization of what he said seemed to dawn on his face as he let out a big sigh.

"I shouldn't of said that..." he groaned sitting down. In trouble... What trouble? With who? Is Zabini ok?

Irish slang- Feek= Gorgeous Girl

Ron's POV

"What do you mean Hagrid?" I ask leaning towards him.

"I wasn't supposed ter say that" he groans while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Are they in trouble? We can help them Hagrid!" Harry blurts out, standing up and pacing the ground.

"He's right Hagrid when have we ever used something you said to do something bad!" I raise an eyebrow, standing up as well. He gave an uneasy look before turning to Fang who was asleep on a chair.

"How 'bout when you three went ter fight Fluffy and almost died. Gave me a heart attack that's fer sure" he said while giving us the eye and pointing a finger at us.

"You boys have Quidditch soon so you best be on yer way if you wanna get ter dinner" he continues standing up and opening the door. I sighed and stood up followed by Harry. He definitely wasn't up for discussing our stay.

"Sorry, Hagrid. Are you coming up for dinner?" Harry asked, stepping out of the hut.

"Not today. Got to work with Fang he's been gettin' a little antsy lately" he replied waving us goodbye. Harry and I started walking up to the castle keeping silent. Once we entered the school Mione came rushing up to us looping her arms together with each of ours.

"Seems Neville, Dean, Seamus, and Ginny have been spreading the word about the support group. I've had many students from each house saying they were waiting on the date for the first get-together. We need to start working on our classroom!" Mione started talking as soon as we had started walking.

"Woah. Well, that's good. Maybe we should have a meeting at the Astronomy Tower for starters and we can explain that we have an empty classroom to use and we can schedule days to meet there and work on it so that everyone's involved and it goes by quicker" Harry suggested.

"That's a good idea, Harry," I said, giving him a nod. He smiled and nodded his head back.

"Thanks, mate" he teased while Hermione rolled her eyes and pulled us into the Great Hall.

"Yes, good job Harry. Let's go eat before we're too late" she laughs unhooking her arms from ours and heading to her seat. I nodded and headed to my seat next to Dean.

"Hello team" I smiled looking at my friends while grabbing some food, a lot slower than I did at breakfast time.

"Hey idiot," Ginny said.

"Good afternoon, Ron" Neville greeted. I smiled at him ignoring Ginny.

"Hello, feek" Seamus joked. I rolled my eyes at his Irish slang because he knows I have no idea what it means and stuck my tongue out at him as Dean laughed.

"So I've heard you've been promoting the business" Harry smiled looking around. Neville laughed and nodded with the others.

"I guess you can call it that," Dean said. The conversation died down as we all started eating and I looked away from the table. My eyes moved to the Slytherin table as I looked for a specific dark-toned beau- jerk. He's a jerk. That's all.

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