Chapter 69

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(Harry's POV)

"Blaisey bear, say hello to your biological father."

"Funny joke."


"It's not a joke?!"

Blaise's POV

"Wait a minute! You can't just come back from the dead, drop the topic, and then tell me your savior is my father" I shouted as I looked at this Luka guy.

"Why not?" Draco pouted as Harry moved behind him and started to hug him from behind.

"Because I'm not done processing that my best friend is alive, and you need to get your ass in the girls' dorm and go tell everyone else" I told him as his eyes widened and he seemed to blush a little.

"Yeah... that would probably be best. Is everyone in there?" he asked making Ron step away from me and nod.

"Yes, Pansy, Marcelo, the twins. Let's all go tell them the good news. We'll leave Blaise and Luka here" he mumbles as he grabbed Draco's hand and started to pull him out of the room.

I wanted to groan but felt like Ron might've hit me if I did. Neville and Theo quickly followed them before it was just me and Luka.

I crossed my arms over my chest as I watched him shift awkwardly.

"Is it true?" I asked and watched him look up at me. I tried to hold my surprise as I locked eyes with his green ones. They look like Harry's. If it wasn't for our matching skin tone and hair color I might think he's Harry's real father... but I'm not believing he's mine so easily.

"Yes, it is. My name is Luka Zabini, I married Alesia Crea when I got out of Hogwarts to please my family. I ended up falling in love with her. A year later and one day she told me she was pregnant. I suggested to her that we leave the wizarding world to get away from Voldemort but she didn't like that idea and told me she killed our child. I was devastated and left her, I just found out recently from my boss that she ended up having a healthy baby boy but the birth certificate was all torn up and the only thing it said was that she was the mother and I was the father" he explained. I rose an eyebrow at the control in his voice.

"How do I know you're not lying?" I asked and he immediately opened a bag he had strapped around his shoulder and grabbed a picture. I slowly walked up to him and studied the picture. Sure enough both their names were there and the date was my birthday.

He must've seen my eyes drift to the date because when I looked back up he had a little bit of hope in them.

"Is... is that your birthday?" he asked and I nodded my head trying to stay composed but I felt my mouth lift into a little smile.

"I'm so glad I found you! C-Can I hug you?" he asked making my eyes go wide. He had his arms opened but I wasn't sure if I should or not, but it's just a hug I guess. And he did save Draco.

I nodded and his smile grew even bigger as he wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me. I felt content because no ones ever been able to hold me in a wrapped up position because they're either barely taller then me or were about the same size, but he was actually taller and buffer than me and being in his arms just felt strangely comforting even though I had just met him.

"This is new for me too, and I know you know nothing about me and I know nothing about you but I hope that doesn't make things awkward between us, I really want to get to know you and become a real father to you" he rambled and I couldn't help myself as my eyes began to water. I didn't verbally respond as I nodded my head and buried my face in his chest.

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