Chapter 9

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"You, my friend have a crush on Mr. Zabini," he said while patting my hand and then going to his bed and grabbing his bathroom kit. As if on time both boys who were just in there walked out. Harry quickly replaced them leaving me there staring at where he previously was.

Do I... do I really like Zabini? That's crazy. Harry's just being silly I don't like him! He's a Slytherin. Then again what's so bad about being a Slytherin.

Ron's POV

It's safe to say that I didn't get any sleep last night. I was too busy thinking about bloody Zabini. I'm totally fine though because it's Saturday and once I leave breakfast I can go back to bed.

"Ron are you ok? You haven't eaten anything" Mione asked drawing the attention of everyone else in the group.

"Oh yeah I'm fine," I said while grabbing my fork and loading it with eggs. I lifted it to my mouth but then slowly sat it back down as their smell made me nauseous.

"Literally everyone just saw that Ron. What's going on?!" Harry asked frantically as my friends stopped eating and turned their attention to me. I really don't want them to know about Zabini. Having said that I put on a smile and sat back on the bench.

"Merlin guys I'm fine! I was pulling your leg, I ate earlier cause I snuck to the kitchens. I didn't want to wait for breakfast, but your faces just now were bloody hilarious!" I laughed while putting my arms around my stomach. There were a few huffs as they went back to eating.

"That wasn't funny Ron! Something could've been terribly wrong how would we know?!" Mione scolded while shoving food in her mouth looking away from me. I gave a small smile and apologized to them before it became silent once more.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see Wes was there. I smiled and turned my whole body to face him.

"Hey there Wes. How have you been?" I asked him while his eyes lit up.

"I'm doing fantastic. I told my friends that you talked to me before but they didn't believe me so I wanted to prove it to them. They're over there" he said while pointing to a group of two boys and two girls. They were all looking over at us with shocked faces. I smiled and nodded my head at Wes as I turned and waved to his friends.

"Hopefully they believe you now. Anything else?" I asked hoping maybe he'd want to chat about the upcoming game tomorrow or anything really.

"Not really. Thanks though!" he shouted running away. I forced another smiled and waved goodbye as I felt vile coming up my throat. My eyes started to sting but I took a deep breath and wiped them before turning towards my friends. I took a drink of water and felt my stomach calm down and that vile taste subsides.

"He's a nice kid what'd you talk about?" Neville questioned. I smirked and looked at Dean, Seamus, and Harry.

"How good of a Quidditch player I am. Especially compared to you three" I teased while elbowing Harry and Dean. They laughed but sent me evil eyes.

"Well, you can decide that later. We have to get going our first meeting is starting at the Astronomy tower today in an hour" Mione said while everyone nodded.

"Wait what do you mean? How come I didn't know about this?" I asked kinda confused as I never heard the plans for that.

"Oh well, we were talking after you went to bed last night. Didn't want to wake you up" Dean said while standing and helping Seamus up. I looked down as everyone stood up. I should appreciate them not wanting to wake me... but this was the first school-wide meeting I feel like it's a pretty big event to discuss. Plus if they would've called out they would've found that I wasn't even sleeping.

No, it's fine! That's great, they're getting ready to start an awesome club, who cares if one person misses a meeting.

I looked up at them smiling and nodding.

"Thanks, guys. Let's go then" I said cheerfully yet somewhere in my chest I felt this huge shot of pain. I stopped for a moment taken by surprise but continued as Neville and Harry gave me weird looks.

"Oh I was just gonna get Ginny. I'll meet you there!" I exclaimed turning around looking for my sister. She wasn't too far away from where we sat, sometimes she even joined us. I walked behind her secretly trying to scare her.

"Hey!" I shouted causing her to jump out of her seat and squeal. I started laughing as she turned around and sent me a glare.

"What the hell Ron?!" she shouted while her friends stopped talking.

"Sorry, I just wanted to scare ya. Everyone's heading to the Astronomy Tower to get ready for the first meeting" I told her while she nodded her head in understanding.

"You could've just said that jerk" she mumbled while getting up and saying goodbye to her friends. She started walking away and I turned to follow her but I heard her friends grumbling out words.

"He's so annoying. He has way too much energy" one of the girls said. I bit my lip trying to keep my smile on. Why did it suddenly get harder?

"I know right?! Like just let your sister have some peace if that were my brother I'd never talk to him," a boy added and I felt that same tug on my chest making me stop and clutch it. What is going on?!

I sped walk forward trying to get away from their words but I kept hearing them in my head. I felt tears sting my eyes once again but wiped them away. Must be from lack of sleep that's why this is all happening. I just need a nap.

"You ok Ron?" my sister asked while she put a hand on my shoulder walking us out of the Great Hall.

"Yeah, I just need a nap haha," I said with a chuckle. She rolled her eyes and flicked my forehead.

"That's literally all you do is eat and sleep. You went to bed so early last night you missed the whole meeting about what the plan for the group even was!" she exclaimed making the pain in my chest more agitated as it went from throbbing to continuous.

"Yeah your right, sorry" I apologized dropping my smile. She sent me a small smile while bringing me into a side hug.

"It's ok Ron. Just try to be more active with this kinda stuff. It's kinda important" she said with a chuckle. I nodded as we made it to the Astronomy Tower and started to climb the stairs.

When we got up there I was amazed by the view and decorations everyone was putting up. There were mats, chairs, bean bags, and little tables everywhere.

"Hello, Ron and Ginny. We've decided to have the meeting as soon as everyone gets here. People can find a seat and then I can say the speech about the classroom and after we get that and questions out of the way everyone can roam around and talk to everyone else" Mione told us as we walked around helping people with different things.

When we got done with like 10 minutes to spare Mione took a seat up at the front as everyone else split up in the crowd. I took one by the back and near the door. We were all kinda chattering around the room and I felt my eyelids droop a bit as the door came creaking open.

I jumped up and went to grab the door. I opened it for the person but was surprised to see that many people were coming up the stairs from all houses. Some were shy while some were with their friends which gave them a bit more confidence.

People came trickling in until the whole room was about full. Mione was smiling ear to ear as she clapped her hands gaining everyone's attention.

I closed the door stretching my arm as I had held the door for about 10 minutes. I went to sit back down but my seat was taken by a Ravenclaw. I smiled at him before walking back to the door and leaning on the wall next to it. Mione started her speech but I found myself searching the room for my Slytherin. I MEANT to say for the annoying Slytherin that I keep running into but I couldn't find him.

I kept searching and searching he must be here somewhere I thought he was changing... but no the only Slytherins I could see was the younger ones, possibly 4th year and younger.

I again felt my chest pain get heavier, but because of this I finally figured out where the pain was coming from... my heart.

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