Chapter 38

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"You should sleep" he whispered in my ear as he hugged me closer to himself. I smiled into his shoulder and wrapped my arms around him as I felt a blanket being pulled over our bodies. He started to rub my back with one hand and move his fingers through my hair with the other.

"G'night" I mumbled.

"Goodnight darling".

Ron's POV
(Next day - Saturday)

"RONALD! WAKE UP" someone shouted making me jump up and look around in a confused state. I seen Hermione and Harry both staring at me as Dean and Seamus were laughing.

"Finally! It's time to get up already" Hermione scolded while pulling my blankets off me. I whined and rubbed my eyes at the sudden brightness of the room.

"But Mione it's Saturday!" I shout absolutely distraught as she gave me an 'are you really that dumb' look.

"I'd expect this from Neville, not you" she rolls her eyes, and turns away. I scanned the room confused until I realized that they were all dressed in warm outfits as if to go outside.

"Is your brain working now Ron?" Dean asked coming up to me and pulling me off my bed.

It's the weekend... and we're going outside... huh? Is there a Quidditch game?

"For Merlin's sake Ron! It's the first Hogsmeade trip of the school year!" Hermione gives up, throwing clothes at me.

"Ok... OH! Right yes I remember now..." I panic and then proceeded to remember the position I fell asleep in last night, I blushed and looked at my friends.

"Where'd Blaise go?" I mumble quietly and Mione lost her angry face as she gave a small smile.

"He left with Pansy and Draco like an hour after you fell asleep" she hums and Harry snorted.

"More like an hour and a half. They planned to leave after an hour but when Blaise tried to leave you'd start pouting in your sleep and pull him closer and he didn't want to leave you" Harry mocks, making me look away embarrassed.

"Ok ok got it! I need to change now!" I change the topic as Hermione rolled her eyes with a chuckle and walked out of the room.

"We'll be with Mione, Ron" Harry speaks up walking out with Seamus and Dean. I nodded and stretched before starting to take off my clothes. I had gotten my shirt on and was working on my pants when the bathroom door opened and a sleepy looking Neville walked out.

He looked lost in thought, looking at the floor,  before looking up at me and screaming while covering his eyes. I screamed at the fact that he screamed. Tripping over my pants, I fell backwards onto the floor.

"Ron!" he yells running to me with his eyes closed making him trip over my bed chest and face plant onto my bed. We both simultaneously groaned as we just laid still.

"So... how's your morning going?" he questioned as I laughed and stood up pulling my pants up as well.

"Besides getting woken up early and falling on my arse, it's pretty good" I admit and he sat up opening his eyes. Letting out a heavy sigh when he seen my covered body.

"I thought you already left" I mutter and he shook his head.

"I was about to, but I gotta meet with Professor Sprout and then I'll meet you all out there" he shrugs, pulling himself up and stretching his back. He then waved and left the room as I headed to the bathroom.

About 15 minutes later I walked out of the room ready to go and smiled as I joined our small group. It was basically the whole boys' dorm, Mione, and Ginny. We were gonna meet up with Luna, Blaise, Draco, and Pansy later I believe.

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