Chapter 59

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(Blaise's POV)

"Of course we would" they said together before pausing their movements and looking straight forward with wide eyes.

"What?" I asked looking forward and briefly seen a door in front of us slowly close.

"Was that... Harry?" George asked looking at Fred before we all started running to the door.

Harry's POV
(Same day - Few hours earlier)

"This is so lame" I groaned out as I pulled out a weed from the flower bed.

"I find this quite relaxing" Neville said with a small smile as he poured water through his wand into some of the other plants.

"That's because you actually like plants" Ron sighed out as he laid on the floor taking deep breaths. We had been taking care of the plants in the greenhouses for two hours now. It was a punishment from Mrs. Sprout to me, Ron, and Hermione because we turned in our homework late. Neville apparently does this all the time so we ended up running into him on the way down.

"Only one more greenhouse to do though!" Hermione cheered as she stood up and wiped off her pants. I silently cheered and stood up.

"I don't want to move" Ron whined as he flopped around on the ground.

"I can take care of the last one if you want to leave early" Neville told us with a smile as we started to head out of the greenhouse we were in.

"Yes plea-" I shouted but was cut off as Hermione cleared her throat.

"We'll be fine, but thank you Neville" she said as she dragged Ron to the next one, me and Neville following behind them.

"How can you do this every week?!" I asked him wiping sweat off my forehead. He laughed and shrugged.

"I don't know, it's kinda like you with Quidditch I suppose. It's not considered a chore if it's something you love" he said and I nodded.

"Hey guys, is that a patronus coming at us?" Hermione asked as she stopped walking and pointed ahead of us and towards a bright bluish-white light. I squinted to look closer and nodded as me and Neville jogged up to them to get closer. Ron was now standing up straight with all his attention set on the patronus.

"It definitely is but what's it doing and who sent it?" Neville asked as it got closer. We all reached for our wand, except Neville who already had his out. It kept coming closer and closer and we all waited with our wands pointed to it.

As it got closer it started to get more noticeable and soon Ron dropped his wand and started to run towards it as I called out to him.

He didn't listen so I picked up his wand and we all ran after him.

"What's he doing?!" Neville shouted as he sprinted to the bird.

"I don't know!" I shouted back trying to catch up to him. Soon he made it to the bird and it stopped flying but landed on his arm. We caught up to him as he cussed.

"What's going on?" I asked Ron as his fist clenched. He then took a deep breath as the bird moved to his shoulder.

"I knew it. This is a magpie, Fred and George's patronus. This one is slightly bigger then a normal one though, they've practiced combining their patronus' but I've never seen them actually do it and I'm pretty sure that's what this is" Ron said as the magpie cawed.

"Why would they be sending a patronus?" Neville asked as the bird looked around as if it were in a hurry. Why would they send a patronus though? Can't they come visit us or send a letter or something?

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