Chapter 6

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Pansmione and Drarry ^^

"How am I supposed to remember what happens when you over-measure ingredients in a Draught of Peace?! Bloody stupid I tell you!" I basically shouted while walking past the quiet Slytherins. Harry laughed and agreed before we caught up to the rest of the team and had a very uneventful practice.

Well, there was something a little different that happened to me. Every time I looked at a Bludger I saw Zabini's face. That's for sure not normal... do I hate him that much? No, I don't hate him. I don't know why but I couldn't get him out of my head. It's driving me crazy.

Seamus is Irish so sometimes he uses Irish slang here's one of the words he uses and what it translates to in English.
    *Gimp - Fool or Idiot

Ron's POV
I woke up to my stomach rumbling. I groaned and rolled around. Thankfully we got food after Quidditch yesterday but I couldn't enjoy it because a certain Slytherin was plaguing my thoughts.

I sat up my stomach getting the better of me. Looking to see if anyone was awake but instantly regretted it as I saw Seamus and Dean making out on their bed.

"Guyssss close the bloody curtains if you're gonna do that!" I shout, getting their attention. They both looked over surprised then Dean gave a small smile.

"Sorry, Ron. We were gonna get up but got... distracted" Dean mumbles while rubbing his hand on Seamus' side as the smaller boy blushes.

"It's fineeeee. What time is it?" I asked standing up and stretching.

"Uhm... 7:47" Dean said, casting a Tempus spell and leaving Seamus in the bed, going to his chest.

"Baby come back! It's cold you gimp!" he pouted, making Dean chuckle and go kiss him. I quickly looked away from the couple scared that they would start making out again.

I dragged myself into the bathroom and had a quick shower as well as brushing my teeth and hair.

When I walked back out they were both standing up. Dean was reading a book while Seamus clung to his back.

"Is it 8 yet?! I wanna eatttt" I groaned while walking over to them. I went behind Seamus and wrapped my arms around him and Dean. We were basically crushing Seamus because we were both taller than him.

I heard a chuckle and Dean put his book down to pat my hand.

"If we start walking down now by the time we make it there will be food" he chuckled. I cheered as Seamus started complaining about me suffocating him.

"Is this a group hug?" a groggy Harry yawned while walking right into Dean's chest and hugging him. Dean started laughing as Seamus's pouting increased.

"You guysss I was hugging my boyfriend not my roommates!" he shouted while trying to wiggle out of my grip but I just tightened it.

"You know we're more than just roommates Seamus" I whispered in his ear. He groaned and gave up just relaxing into Dean's back making me burst out into laughter.

"I'm gonna get ready. Are you all heading to the Great Hall? I'll meet you there?" Harry rambled on while letting go of Dean.

"Food!" I shouted letting go of Seamus and Dean. Harry chuckled and walked into the bathroom shouting "I'll take that as a yes".

I left the dorm with Seamus and Dean. Those two kept up a very flirtatious conversation but I could care less as I only thought about my one true love.... food. We got to the Great Hall in record time and I basically was sprinting to my seat as I looked at all the food.

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