Chapter 5

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"What's our first class?" I asked feeling stupid for blanking. Hermione rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Seriously Ron! It's been about a month and a half since we got here and you can't remember your classes this far in?!" she shouted, sounding absolutely repulsed. I shrugged and looked over at Harry as he was shaking his head slowly and tutting.

"Well, what is it mate? Come on help me out here!" I pleaded as my brain hurt from trying to think too much.

"Potions you idiot," he said, making me pause and frown. Bloody hell.

Ron's POV

I slowed down my eating to try and take my time and waste as much as I could before we had to go to potions. I hate that class, the teacher, and the annoying suck-ups we share it with. Slytherins of course.

"Ron just because you eat slower doesn't mean we're gonna magically get more time before class starts. We have to go now so we won't be late" Mione said standing up and brushing off her robes. I groaned and dropped my toast before standing beside her.

"Let's all head there together," Seamus said while interlocking his hand with Dean's.

"Alright, have you three thought about the plan at all?" Harry asked while looking at Neville, Dean, and Seamus as we headed for the potions classroom.

"Well, I thought about it but didn't come up with anything" Dean grumbled while looking away embarrassed.

"At least you actually remembered. I forgot about it" Neville shyly whispered rubbing the back of his neck. I chuckled as well as the other boys, but Mione quickly scolded us.

"That's fine, I've thought about a few locations and I thought about a name but I want to keep it a surprise for you all," she said with a smile. I sent her a glance as if trying to figure out what she was planning but she only smiled bigger.

"Oh well, we're almost to class we should end the discussion here," Harry said while we rounded the last corner to get to the class.

"Hello Weasley" a rude voice snarked out. I rolled my eyes and kept walking right up to the door to the classroom where Nott was.

"What's up with you lately? I get you're mad because I ruined your stupid prank but you literally have never paid me any attention and I don't want you to start now" I spat outgoing right up to him.

He looked at a loss for words and quickly stumbled backward pushing his hands to my chest.

"What the hell?! Don't get so close you fairy!" he shouted and I cringed because we were literally right outside the classroom door... and it was open. But after his words sunk in, I could care less.

"You want to say that again?!" I shouted, pushing him back against the wall and bringing my fist up ready to hit his face.

"Get off me you fag!" he yelled while either Crabbe or Goyle pulled me off him. I didn't care to look as my glare stayed on Nott.

"Oi hands off!" Harry spat grabbing me from them. I sent Nott one last mean look before Harry pulled me inside the classroom. Everyone was staring as I was breathing heavily, extremely pissed off ready to go beat his stupid ass.

"10 points from Gryffindor as you obviously cannot keep your hands to yourself, Mr. Weasley," Professor Snape said aloud, making me scoff along with many of the other Gryffindors. He's such a prat.

"Ronald, control yourself!" Mione scolded walking away. I huffed and sat down next to Harry and Neville. I put my head on my desk ignoring the snickering from Nott as he walked in.

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