Chapter 3

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"What's first captain?" Dean asked while setting the briefcase down that held all the balls.

"I set up a practice match with-" he was cut off by a loud yell across the pitch.

"Hey, Gryffindor losers. The winners are here!" I turned around to see Nott walking in with the rest of the Slytherin team. Great.

Ron's POV

The Slytherins made their way over as I have a confused look at Harry confused. Why would he make us suffer?

I briefly looked over the opposing team and was surprised to seen Zabini had a bat in his hand. I thought he was a chaser last year. Oh well. It's really not important.

"Well hello, Potter are you ready to die?" Nott said with his broom in his hand. Harry opened his mouth but stopped when someone else answered.

"Shut up Nott. Your not even the captain so step off your high horse" Malfoy said annoyed making me look at him with surprise. He pushed Nott back and stepped up to Harry.

"Good day Potter. We're ready when you are" he said with his hand out to shake. Harry froze looking at Malfoy's outstretched arms.

"Potter?" he asked looking at him weirdly. Harry jumped out of his daze and grabbed his hand shaking it quickly and then turning around.

"Alright let's get started! You said you had someone to release the Snitch, Bludgers, and throw up the Quaffle right?" Harry mumbled while mounting his broom. Malfoy nodded and I watched as Parkinson stepped up.

"She's normally one of our chasers but she's sick" he added while also mounting his broom.

"Ok, let's start" Parkinson shouted while we all mounted our brooms. I flew to my position and got ready to play.

Parkinson counted down to zero and threw up the Quaffle. I motioned in on the game and watched as Ginny took the Quaffle towards the opposing rings.


The practice match was going well and Gryffindor was winning 76 to 62. Jane had the ball at the moment and was heading straight to the Slytherin keeper.

I was staying focused on the game but out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a Bludger flying right towards my head. I didn't have enough time to react as I sent out a very unmanly scream and threw my hands in front of my face.

I heard a bunch of yells and screams but I couldn't hear who was yelling what. I heard a loud grunt though as the sound of a bat was hitting a Bludger.

I opened my eyes highly confused and seen the whole Gryffindor team speeding towards me. I looked around at where the Bludger went and seen it heading for the ground. Then looking to my right I find Zabini there out of breath glaring at Nott who was glaring straight back.

"What the fuck Zabini! Why'd you block him! Wrong team dumbass!" Nott yelled flying towards us. The rest of the Slytherin team then followed. Harry was at my side and immediately started asking if I was fine but I ignored him and listened to the two Slytherins' conversation.

"Wrong team?! He's a keeper! He has nothing to do with a Bludger! Also, let's talk about how the bloody Quaffle was on the other side of the fucking field! You did that on purpose and you could've hurt him for no reason!" Zabini screamed while still flying right next to me.

"What the hell Nott! Go do a cool-down lap!" Malfoy shouted making it over to us.

"Shit! What an arse. Can we talk about this on the ground?" Malfoy grumbled while looking at Harry. He nodded and soon we were all flying to the ground. We landed, and I didn't seem to realize how scared I was, but my knees buckled and I was falling forward. I was just going to let it happen to me and the ground as one, yet I felt an arm grab my waist.

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