Chapter 54

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(Blaise's POV)

"So, have you and our little bro kissed yet?" Fred asked as he and George smirked and tilted their heads creepily at the same time.

"And we'll be going now! Thanks for your time. Dad wake up!" I shouted pulling him off of Draco who sighed in relief. I dragged him out of the room as I felt my face heating up. Pansy and Draco were laughing behind us.

I kept walking and heard the door to their bedroom shut. I sighed in relief as I didn't hear them coming after us.

"You can't run from this Blaise!" I heard simultaneously as I shuddered and swallowed. Merlin help me.

Ron's POV

After walking my brothers out of the school and waving them off I walked back to the Gryffindor common room with a smile. Dumbledore gave me permission to get out of all my classes to hang out with my brothers.

At first I teased Mione and Harry because they weren't allowed to, but now I'm regretting that because I am really lonely in the common room by myself.

I sat on the couch with a sigh before I heard the portrait open and turned my head. Maybe Fred or George forgot something. I stood up and seen Wes walking through the opening. I smiled and waved at him. He waved back before looking down at his feet.

"You okay Wes?" I asked walking up to him. He looked at me with wide eyes. He looked scared.

"I-I'm fine" he stuttered and started to walk to the couch. I followed him and sat down next to him.

"Are you sure? Do you want to talk about it?" I asked him and he looked at me with those same wide eyes before they closed and he started to cry. I wrapped an arm around him and brought him into my side and let him cry on my shoulder.

"It's ok Wes, let it all out buddy" I whispered as I brushed the brown hair from his face. He cried for a few minutes as I continued to rub his back and run a hand through his hair. I remember my mum doing this to me when I was younger.

"T-Thank you, R-Ron" he said through his sniffles as he pulled away from my shoulder, there was a huge wet stain on my t-shirt but I didn't mind as I gave the boy a small smile. I reached over to the table and grabbed the box of tissues.

"Anytime Wes, do you want to talk about it? I have all day" I said putting a hand on his shoulder. He took a tissue and wiped off his cheeks with a nod. I smiled and waited patiently as he washed off his face.

"My family sent me a letter today..." he started and I immediately put all my attention on him knowing it was probably something important if his family sent him a letter. What if one of his family members died, that would be horrible.

"I haven't gotten a letter from them at all this year" he said and I stopped frowning but looked at him with curious eyes.

"They don't like that I'm a Gryffindor, therefore they don't like me... I was so happy when I got the letter but I read it and it said that they want to pull me out of Hogwarts!" he shouted as he started to cry again. I leaned forward and gave him another hug as he put his head back on my shoulder and hugged me tightly.

"I won't let them take you. We can talk to Dumbledore, I'm sure he can convince them!" I said trying to think of something to help the younger boy who I had become attached to, through our brief interactions where we talked about Quidditch or when he'd asked me how I was, even that one time when he just wanted to prove he knew me to his friends.

He shook his head and gripped onto my shirt tighter.

"He c-can't convince t-them. They w-won't listen to him" he cried as I closed me eyes and just focused on comforting him. What should I do?

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