Chapter 51

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(Blaise's POV)

I opened the door and slid out of the room slowly waving goodbye to the owl as it continued to stare. When I closed the door Pansy was next to me giving me a weird look.

"What's up with you?" she asked giving me my clothes, while we walked to the room.

"Just found out who 4 and 5 are and met their owl first hand" I joked as she whipped her head to me.

Ron's POV
(Same day - Tuesday)

"Ron, wake up little bro" someone called making me open my eyes and smile. It was Fred and George. I jumped out of bed and hugged them both.

"What are you doing here?" I asked with a big smile as Fred ruffled my hair.

"We came to see you of course" George said taking Fred's spot also ruffling my hair. I swatted his hand away and gave him a look.

"Suuuuure. Like you'd just pop in randomly just to see how I'm doing" I said rolling my eyes. They both chuckled as Fred looked around. Harry was sleeping in his bed but other than that it was empty.

"Get Hermione" George said and I rose an eyebrow but nodded. I started to walk to the door but didn't get far as it opened and Hermione walked in with a big smile which confused me.

"Hello Ronald! Fred and George! How are you!" she basically shouted every word making Harry startle and look around.

"Sorry Harry! Just in a really good mood!" she said still shouting as Fred and George smiled.

"Good to see you, Hermione" they said together before Fred walked to the door and locked it.

"Time to get down to business. We have news" George said getting serious making us all calm down and pay attention. Harry stood up and straightened his glasses before walking over.

"Dumbledore sent us a letter saying that you've all been having problems since certain people left" Fred said looking at us all. I looked down guiltily before replaying what he said. How did he know they left?

"Wait, how do you kn-?!" I was cut off by George putting a hand to my mouth. I huffed and he moved it.

"They are with us and they miss you three a lot, but you can't say anything about it, nothing! Not to Seamus, Dean, Neville, not even Ginny, this only concerns you three" Fred continued and I smiled knowing that Blaise was okay and he was with people I knew would keep him safe.

I heard sobs and turned to see Harry with his hands in his face. I was surprised along with the other three as to why he was crying. Hermione wrapped her arms around him and we all waited with worried faces until his crying calmed.

"I-I'm sorry. I'm just relieved that he doesn't hate me" he said wiping his face on his sleeve. My eyes widened. Why would he think Draco would ever hate him?

"Harry, why would he hate you?" George asked moving forward pulling Harry into a hug and Fred quickly joined.

"It's just my dreams messing with reality. Is this even real? If this is a dream please don't wake me up" he said and my heart hurt for him.

"It's real Harry, Draco is safe and he doesn't hate you, I don't think he could ever hate you" George whispered with a chuckle as Harry smiled and hugged them both tighter.

"Thanks guys, can I talk to him?" Harry asked with hopeful eyes they both stepped back and I seen them both frown.

"...sorry Harry. We can't bring you in it'd be too obvious now that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named knows you're dating" George told him as he nodded with a sad look.

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