Chapter 18

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"I don't regret it though," he told me and for once I didn't feel pain in my chest but I felt lighter like a heavyweight was taken off my chest and I could breathe freely again.

I didn't say anything as I was afraid if I opened my mouth I would stutter out a stupid love confession or something.

Ron's POV
(Same day - Tuesday)

I was currently sitting next to Blaise in the stand while I waited for my team to come to the pitch and he waited for his friends.

"So, what are you doing now that you're not on the Quidditch team?" I asked him to avoid the awkward silence.

"Nothing really, just focusing more on school work I suppose," he sighs while shrugging and I nodded.

"Hey, Zabini-" I was gonna ask him about himself but he cut me off.

"I feel like it's so childish how we call each other by our last names, don't you think? Like yeah it was all fun and games and we thought it was cool back in our younger school years but we're practically adults now shouldn't we call each other by our first names?" he went on and then turned to look at me. I stared at him and just nodded with a little chuckle.

"I suppose your right... seems like you've been thinking about this for a while" I whisper, and he looked away sheepishly.

"Yeah sorry about that... what were you gonna say?" he asked looking back at me.

"I was just gonna ask you more about yourself, I don't know much about you Zabini... or should I say, Blaise?" I asked with a chuckle as he gave a small smile.

"You can call me Blaise, but what do you want to know?" he said while cocking his head to the side. I blushed when I realized that I was actually about to call my crush by his first name. We're on a first-name basis!

"I don't know... family, hobbies, talents?" I said making him laugh.

"Well, my mother... she's not the best. I use to have a new dad almost every year when I was younger and I don't even know my biological father. My current stepfather is a douche and doesn't like me at all," he complained with a frown. I felt bad and was gonna say something to comfort him but then out of nowhere he started smiling, "I can't remember which one he was but when I was 12 my stepfather at the time was basically the only father figure I had in my life. He was really nice and would put me before everything. My mother didn't like that and I think that's the reason she left him. I still go over to his house a lot though. I call him dad and he thinks of me as a son". I nodded with a small smile as I watched his face light up. He must really love this person.

"That sounds like a lot for a kid to deal with. Do you think she's gonna leave the guy she's with right now?" I asked and he shrugged with a sad chuckle.

"Probably. Honestly can't remember the last time I saw her. I spent all summer break with my dad so I haven't seen her in a while and she hasn't sent me a letter saying I was welcomed home for Christmas break so I'm either going back to my dad's or Pansy's" he continued.

"Your dad sounds really nice," I said and he gave me a big smile.

"He is" he whispered and I sent out a little laugh before turning my head as I heard chatter come from the field. I stood off the bench and looked down to see the team walking out.

"Oh, my team's here I have to go. I'll see you later" I said and he smiled and waved goodbye as I hopped on my broom and flew down to everyone. I realized that Parkinson and Malfoy were with them towards the back.

"Hey, Ron. We found Malfoy and Parkinson. They wanted some extra practice and we all agreed that they could play with us. Is that alright with you?" Harry asked and I nodded while getting off the broom.

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