Chapter 15

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"Are you ready?" I asked them as we turned to leave. We stopped though as two girls were in front of us. One with a bright smile and the other with her arms crossed and a deadly glare on her face.

"We need to talk Parkinson, Malfoy, and Zabini. Now".

Blaise's POV
(Same day - Monday)

All three of us stopped in our tracks as we faced the only other people in the room.

"Well? Take those glamours off we know it's you" the female Weasley said while looking between us. I sighed and spelled the glamours off of us as I felt someone shaking beside me. I turned to Draco and saw him looking at her with fearful eyes. I pushed him behind me and copied Weasley's pose.

"Alright so you know it's us. What are you gonna do now?" I said while Pansy snapped out of her gaze and stepped up beside me.

"Nothing yet. Ginny and I just want to know why you are lying about who you are" Lovegood stepped forward while putting a hand on Weasley's arm, calming her. I looked at Lovegood and felt my expression soften.

"It's not any of your business" Pansy spat making Weasley tense again. I mentally face palmed. Way to stay civil Pansy.

"Pansy calm please. It really isn't though. What will you do if we don't tell you" I asked while putting a hand on Pansy's shoulder making sure she doesn't lunge at the ginger.

"Well we'll have to tell our friends because we don't know if you want to harm them or not" Lovegood peacefully answered and I nodded while feeling Draco start to shake even more. Fuck at this rate he'll have another attack.

"Draco sit down please" I whispered to him after turning around and blocking him from view of the Weasley and Lovegood.

"What are we gonna tell them Blaise? We can't let the golden trio know. They'll hate us!" Pansy whisper-shouted. I tried to shush her but after she said the last line Draco collapsed and his breathing started to become heavy and short. I cursed and dropped onto my knees making sure to keep my distance but let him know I'm here.

"Draco, you're ok. He won't find out. I need you to calm down. Breathe in and hold your breath I'm gonna count for you, ok?" I rushed out while he started to sob into his hands but I seen him send a slight nod.

"Good job. Ok 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7. Good job, your doing so good Dray" I said while he held in his breath and exhaled. I counted 7 seconds as he exhaled and when it was over he was in a curled up ball with his hands pulling at his hair but he wasn't crying and his breathing was a lot better. I faintly heard Pansy telling the other two to stay back but I didn't listen much as Draco was my first priority.

"Alright can I touch you?" I asked him as I started to crawl closer to him. He nodded while sending out a choked sob.

"Thank you" I whispered while putting my hands on his and slowly released them from his hair. They were shaking so I grabbed them on my own and dragged my finger over the back of his hand drawing little shapes like hearts and circles causing him to chuckle through his little hiccups.

It's always worked because it gives him something to focus on which evens his breathing.

"You did great, Draco" I softly cheered while pulling him into a hug. Pansy came up behind him and hugged his back after asking for permission to touch him while whispering soft things that I couldn't hear in his ear.

He laughed at something she said and we sat there for awhile ignoring the two girls that were probably confused. Weasley cleared her throat making me and Pansy let go of Draco as he looked the other way embarrassed.

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