Chapter 53

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(Pansy's POV)

We all passed around our letters and continued to tease each other for the rest of the day. That was until Marcelo dragged us all to bed claiming that if he didn't do it now we would never sleep. He was probably right because I can guarantee that we weren't done talking about our Gryffindors.

Blaise's POV
(The next day - Thursday)

Now that we're all in happier moods with our letters glued to our sides and our pictures sitting on the drawers next to our beds, we decided to confront the twins.

"Should we just march into their rooms or wait till they bring our food later today?" Pansy asked from the floor where she was putting a puzzle together. Draco was laying in front of her staring at the ceiling. I was laying in bed and playing with small little spells that sent off little fireworks.

"Cut that out you're gonna blind me" dad said covering his eyes and flipping over on the bed. He's basically been sleeping this whole time. That's it. Just constant sleeping.

"Sorry, let's just go now so I don't blind my father" I said with a small chuckle as Pansy laughed and jumped up, followed by Draco who looked like he had to use a lot of strength to push himself up. I'm pretty sure he stayed up all last night reading his letter. I wanted to as well but I promised myself that I was gonna try and take care of myself because Ron is trying his best for me.

"I was kidding, don't leave me" dad whined grabbing my hand and pulling me back towards the bed.

"Too late old man, you've hurt my feelings" I sniffed while Pansy grabbed my other hand and pulled me away from him.

"Sorry Marcelo, we need your son for a bit" she said as she dragged me out of the room. I heard him groan and whine out about being so lonely.

I briefly chuckled before turning to walk with Pansy and Draco.

"I need sleep" Draco whispered rubbing his eyes. Pansy patted his head and snickered.

"Too bad, we are going to go meet 4 and 5" she said with a giddy smile. Draco then cracked a smile as well. I can't believe it's been them this whole time.

We didn't even bother knocking on the door to the left. Pansy knocked on the other one and who I believe is Fred answered.

"Hello, do you guys want your food right now?" he asked with a bright smile.

"Not yet, we wanted to talk actually" I said and Fred invited us in.

"That's fine by us. We're not doing anything" he said and then flopped onto his bed next to his brother who looked to be napping. That was of course until Fred jumped on him and woke him up.

"What the- you scared me you git! Oh hey guys! Fred did you kidnap them?" George asked with a yawn and I smiled because I knew it was Fred since the beginning. Progress.

"Sorry brother, you looked so peaceful I had to do something about it. Also, they came willingly" he added making us all chuckle.

"Anywaaaaaay, anything specific you want to talk about?" Fred asked as he sat up and invited us to sit on the end of the bed. We all sat down facing them.

"Actually there is, this might surprise you but... we know you're 4 and 5" I said deciding to just say it straight up. It was silent as they stared at us with wide eyes before George nervously chuckled.

"What are you talking about?" he asked rubbing his arm.

"I was curious about the room on the left and... I saw the letters, sorry" I whispered. I shouldn't of invaded their privacy in the first place. Fred's shoulders slumped down and he gave a little chuckle.

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