Chapter 23

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"Mr. Weasley has a binge-eating disorder. He said he's been gaining more weight and he wanted to work it off. He also said that it didn't matter because he doesn't sleep much at night anyway". I froze while she explained this and started to think about him freaking out when he found out I carried him. It made sense now.

But he also doesn't sleep at night? I guess that explains why he's been getting paler... how had I not noticed this? Other than the day of the first S.A.F.E meeting I haven't noticed his physical appearance being too bad. There's no use thinking about it, I need to take action.

"How do I help?".

Blaise's POV
(Same day - Wednesday)

"So, Weasley has an eating disorder, like Draco?" Pansy asked as we were walking to the great hall for breakfast. It was just starting. Ron, Ginny, Potter, and Granger were coming to breakfast as well, but they were a few halls behind us because they have to take their time with Ron.

I wanted to stay with him too but I can tell Granger and Potter are getting suspicious about me being so close to him.

"Kind of. His is like the opposite though. He finds himself eating too much food and he can't stop" I repeated what Pomfrey said to me in the hallway.

"So, how did she say you could help him?" Draco questioned me. They both came back to the hallway right when Madam Pomfrey and I finished our conversation.

"She said to watch him and make sure he doesn't eat too many snacks and too much food during breakfast, lunch, and dinner. She's also gonna try to get him some medicine but she doesn't want him to take too much at one time, so she's waiting for his eyes to heal" I replied and they nodded.

"That makes sense. I can't see a way we'll be able to help though. We can't exactly walk up to the Gryffindor table in front of all the Slytherins and Snape" Pansy said with a forced laugh. I nodded my head but knew if it came down to it I would do it anyway.

"We're here, let's go to our corner" Draco said while rolling his eyes making me chuckle. We walked together and sat down quickly filling our plates, well I filled Draco's.

A few minutes later the doors opened again and I turned to see Ginny walking in with her arm intertwined with her brother's, and his friends on both sides. As soon as he entered, the whole hall went up in chatter and questions but Dumbledore quickly cleared his throat and it went back to whispers.

My eyes followed them to the table and I was seen as his friends surrounded him and seen their worried faces.

"Wouldn't that be nice?" Draco whispered bringing our attention to him as he looked longingly at the Gryffindor table.

"What do you mean?" I asked him as I and Pansy looked at him confused.

"You know having more than just two people care about you, having a whole fricken school worrying instead of cheering when you get hurt," he said sounding tired and damaged. It went silent because all three of us knew that deep inside we just wanted to be cared about by someone besides ourselves and each other.

"We have Narcissa, Chloe, Leo, and my dad," I said softly but neither of them seemed to cheer up.

"They're our parents they have to be there for us," Draco said with an eye roll.

"You know that's not true. If it were then your dad would care, my mom would care, and I would know who the fuck my real father is" I said with a hint of anger but mostly sadness. Draco looked up guiltily but I just sighed and held my hand up.

"Don't apologize, I'm sorry I got angry again. It's not your fault I just need to work on my anger issues more" I told them and Pansy put a hand on my shoulder.

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