Chapter 52

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(Ron's POV)

"On a different note, is this Blaise's sweatshirt?" George asked with a squeal as he grabbed the Slytherin sweatshirt off my bed.

"You were holding onto it so tightly we almost didn't wake you up" Fred continued and I blushed, super embarrassed as I quickly grabbed the sweatshirt from him.

"We're gonna tell him! We're gonna tell him!" they sang together as I shushed them but they just continued to sing as Harry and Mione laughed. I couldn't be mad though as I joined in the laughter.

Blaise's POV
(The next day - Wednesday)

"This is for you, from Ron. He's doing a lot better now that he knows you're ok. Took his pills, cleaned up nice, and got all of his homework completed that he missed. Took a while but with Harry and Hermione helping each other, and us of course, they got it done" Fred informed me while handing me a letter and then walked off to talk to Draco with another letter in his hand.

George was talking to Pansy with a letter and I'm assuming we all got one. I wasted no time and opened it as fast as I could without ripping it.

Hey Blaise, it's Ron. You probably already know that though. It's kinda awkward that I'm talking to you for the first time in days and it's on paper. I attached a picture though. Harry made me put your sweatshirt on. He's been sleeping with it every night -Harry. That's not true, Harry's just being stupid. None of this matters though. I really miss you and I hope you're doing ok. I trust Fred and George to take care of you though. I know they can be a little much at times but they're really good people, I swear. They told me about your fun little night where you learned all of my embarrassing stories. You can go ahead and forget those... Fred and George told me I should talk to you about how I'm feeling. I don't really want to but I'm gonna for you. Honestly after you left I was a wreck. I wasn't taking my pills, I was losing sleep, and I was overeating again. My missing assignments were multiplying. Once Fred and George came and I knew you were doing well I took a nice shower, took my pills, and I'm going to have a long nap after this. I also think my brothers are going to force me to do all my homework, either that or Mione might now that she's feeling better too. My hand is cramping right now but I really don't want to stop writing... I'm also running out of room. I'll take all my pills tomorrow and the days after that so you don't have to worry anymore. This will probably be the last you hear from me for a while because I don't think Fred and George want to keep leaving you alone so I'll end it on a good note. I miss you a lot but I'll make sure to give you lots of hugs and kisses when we meet again so please wait for me, love your lonely boyfriend (Harry told me to say that, oh and he misses you too by the way).

I smiled holding onto the letter as I sat down on the bed. I couldn't help but grin as I read over it again and again until I practically had it memorized.

I looked at the picture and my heart did a little flip as I seen Ron smiling with my sweatshirt on. It then started to move as Harry came into view and Ron turned over to him and shooed him out of view. Harry looked confused before he seen the camera and jumped out of view making Ron face palm before the picture returned to Ron's first stance as he smiled at the camera.

I laughed rewatching it and then showing it to Draco when he was done reading his letter. We both were then joined by Pansy as we all talked about our letters.

Draco's POV
(Earlier after receiving the letters)

Harry wrote this letter for me. I almost don't want to open it so I can keep it safe and secured inside the envelope. I looked to Blaise and seen him grinning at his letter and knew I wouldn't be able to keep myself from opening it whether it was now or in a few hours so I might as well just read it.

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