Chapter 63

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(Harry's POV)

"Get some rest, Harry. We'll be right here when you wake up" Ron told me climbing into his bed. I nodded and laid down, closing my eyes. Now to force myself to sleep, hopefully nightmare free.

Draco's POV 👀
(Two days later - Sunday)

I groaned opening my eyes and moving my hand to block the light. What the hell happened? Merlin, my head is ringing so loud.

"Oh, you're awake."

I didn't recognize this voice at all so I quickly sat up and reached for my wand, which I found out I didn't actually have.

I got out of the bed and stood up putting my fists up. I'm not going down easy.

"Who are you? What do you want with me?" I asked him, narrowing my eyes. Hopefully I looked intimidating.

"Calm down, Draco. Before I answer any of your questions I think it's best you try to remember what happened a few days ago" he told me while putting his hands up.

I didn't relax my stance but tried to think of how I'd gotten here and where my friends were.

We were at the twins' store. I was sleeping, someone woke me up, one of the twins? Everything was shaking. We were all in our night wear.

I looked down briefly and seen that I was in the same clothes, but they seemed to be clean. I looked at the guy who was patiently waiting and gave him a look.

"I used a cleaning charm on your clothing. I didn't think you would mind" he told me and I slightly nodded before going back to my recap.

My father and a bunch of death eaters were there, they started throwing hexes at us. We all... passed out. What happened after that? I can't quite remember.

"Where'd you find me?" I asked him hoping to remember more if I knew where he found me at.

"Malfoy Manor, your manor" he answered making my eyes widen. He took us to the manor? Why?

I got a sudden vision as all the memories came back.

Holy shit.

Voldemort split us up to be murdered.

Bellatrix kept me in the common room while everyone else was forced down the hallway, the one I was never allowed in when I was younger.

I expected Voldemort to leave for his 'business' but he stayed. Him and Bellatrix started talking, I can't remember what about. Then there was a loud bang and someone came crashing through the window on some kinda flying vehicle.

He started throwing hexes at Bellatrix and Voldemort then landed next to me. He told me to get on, I did. That's all I remember...

"Are you the person who was flying that... thingy?" I asked him relaxing a bit. I don't know if he's on my side, but I know he's not on Voldemort's.

"Yes, that's me, and it's a motorcycle. What's the last thing you remember?" he asked as he leaned against the wall closest to the door.

"I got on your... motorcycle and then I blacked out" I said and he nodded.

"Good then, you're all caught up. Bellatrix managed to hit you with a sleeping jinx. Probably hoping you'd fall asleep and then fall off the motorcycle, luckily you didn't. I hopped on and we escaped. You've been asleep for two days though" he told me casually as my mouth was hanging open.

"W-Well, where are my friends?" I asked him. He looked confused before his eyes widen and he clenched his fist.

"Fuck... there were more people there?" he asked with a pained expression. My shoulders dropped and I nodded. He put his head in his hands and sighed.

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