Chapter 4

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"Listen, Harry, you're my best mate so I've obviously noticed that you haven't been acting like you normally do. You can talk to me about it if you want. I won't tell anyone if you wouldn't like me to" I said grabbing his hand. Briefly looking over at Neville as he stumbled into bed and drew his curtains.

"Sorry... it's just that..."

Ron's POV

"Ever since you and Mione told me that you guys were gay I've been thinking about it and... I think I am too. But I'm confused because I still find girls attractive... yet I have a crush on a boy right now, not a girl... I don't know what's going on!" he whisper-shouted. I frowned and pulled him into a hug as he buried his face in my neck.

"It's ok Harry, and it's ok to be confused. It is possible to like both girls and boys. It's called being bisexual. There are more though but that's a conversation for another time. When I first... came out to Mione she gave me a whole lesson about all the sexualities I could be, so don't be afraid to ask me any questions. Mione can also help, don't be afraid to ask her, ok?" I reassured him while rubbing his back.

I didn't let the fact that he has a crush on a boy slide, but I don't want to make him uncomfortable so I'll save that for another time when he's feeling better.

I felt him nod against my shoulder he didn't make any signs of moving.

"Do you want to lay down?" I asked while I started to hear little hiccups come from him. He's probably been thinking about this all day. With this on his mind and then Quidditch, homework, and classes he must've been under a lot of stress.

He nodded his head and I laid him down taking his glasses and putting them to the side. I then laid down my arms open.

"Come cry it out, Harry. You've had it pent up all day I can tell" I whispered, he jumped into my arms burying his face in my chest. I tried to soothe him still rubbing his back but it didn't really seem to work. I didn't stop though until I started to hear his breathing even out and his hold on my shirt loosen.

When I deemed him asleep enough I picked him up and took him to his own bed. Once I tucked him in, because I'm an amazing brother, I took his glasses to his bed stand where he normally puts them, and closed his curtains around him.

Now it's my turn to sleep! Yay! I cast a quick charm to see what time it was and nearly fainted when I seen that it was about 1 am. Merlin time flies. Ok, I've heard Mione say that... but it sounds bloody weird.

Good thing it's almost the end of the school week. Two more days of school and then I get a break! Yay.


I heard brief shuffling and slowly opened my eyes looking around the room. Great, I forgot to close my curtains. They may seem pretty useless but after living in a dorm with these four idiots you would definitely want to use them. I should say three idiots because Nevilles to nice to do anything to anyone.

"Morning Ron!" Harry cheered already in his robes. I smiled as he seemed a lot better.

"G'morning Harry. Everyone else already headed to breakfast?" I asked looking at the empty beds.

"Yes, and Mione is in the common room" he smiled while fixing his glasses. I groaned but stepped out of my warm sheets. I immediately shivered at the cold air and stretched my body.

"I'm going to wait downstairs," Harry called before leaving the room. I nodded and started with my morning.

After I got ready I rushed downstairs and saw Harry and Hermione talking on the couch and a few other Gryffindors spread out around the room.

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