Chapter 71

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I then glared at Theo before leaving those two and walking over to Neville and Wes who had calmed down as he watched everything going on.

Now to get some information without making him cry. Sounds easier then I bet it is.

Ron's POV

"Ron! I'm so sorry! I just wanted them to like me, b-but I know what I did wrong now" he said and I thought he was going to cry again but luckily he seemed to be holding it together.

"Calm down Wes. I'm sorry you had to see that... what you did is not right at all, but before anyone is allowed to say anything, you should be allowed to tell your side of the story... having said that, I think everyone should be here when you do" I explained to him. He nodded with wide eyes as I gave a tight smile before turning back around to Blaise who had his head in his hands.

"I'll go get everyone I suggest you fix yourselves... and Blaise you might want to make a bed on the floor, or think of something that is really bloody nice" I told him before leaving the room and heading to the girls' dorm.

I tried to calm myself by taking deep breaths till I got there. I knocked and then walked in. Everyone was still in there and it seemed Luka was warming up to everyone.

"We have a bit of a problem" I said as they all looked to me and everyone's smiles dropped.

"What's going on?" Ginny asked which actually about made me flinch because I didn't even know she was in here.

"Bloody hell you scared me... but we know who ratted out Fred and George while they were helping the Slytherins" I spat it out and their eyes both hardened.

I sighed knowing they were gonna be pissed. They lost all their hard work when the death eaters came. The shop was completely torn apart and they weren't sure they would be able to fix it, they don't think they have the money to do it.

"I know you're all probably angry but please don't lash out on him... Blaise already did that for you" I said annoyed as Pansy chuckled but I instantly shut her up with a glare.

"Follow me" I continued, leaving the room. They all jumped up after me. My head was spinning and I felt like crap.

"Oh and I forgot to tell you that Harry and Draco won't be there" I add quickly, Hermione nodded as I kept forward. I didn't want them questioning that at the wrong time.

I sped up walking quicker to the dorm as I now wanted this day to be over.

"Baby, I'm-" as soon as I walked into the room Blaise hugged me and whispered in my ear. I wanted to melt in his arms so bad and just let him take care of me, but I knew what had to be done.

I gave him a quick kiss, silencing him as I pushed away from him and opened the door as everyone filed in. I watched Luka walked in slowly as if he wasn't sure he should be here.

"Alright, if anyone speaks out of turn I will literally hex you" I threaten, grabbing my wand making a few people's eyes go wide. I turned around and seen that Neville was just now putting homework away and that Wes had moved next to Theo and Theo had him under his arm.

"T... I'm scared..." I briefly heard him whisper to Theo and it literally made my heart ache.

"I'll be right here. I'm not gonna let them hurt you" Theo whispered back. I almost wanted to just call it all off and say sike, but I knew that wasn't an actual option.

"Everyone this is Wesley Flint. He's the one who told Voldemort. Listen to what he has to say before you judge him" I told them as I watched their eyes all narrow on him.

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