Chapter 8

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Their flight got in late last night, but it was okay they still had 24 hours to get settled into everything. The team still had the day off, they decided to have a team breakfast.

Antonio: Morning!
Jay: Morning!
Hailey: Morning!
Adam: Morning!
Adam: you guys ready for the new boss tomorrow?
Kim: yea, I think she'll be okay.
Antonio: we have no choice!
Kevin: I guess!
Hailey: whoever it is I hope they don't come in acting like they can change everything.
Kim: sometimes change is good.
Adam: so your okay with someone coming in changing everything.
Kim: we don't know what she will do.
Kevin: Jay, your kinda quiet over there. You good?
Jay: I'm good, and as much as me and Hank bumped heads change might be good for us.
Adam: who's making you laugh over there Kim?
Kim: Erin!
Hailey: wait your talking to her?
Kim: yea, she was my best friend! What's your problem with her.
Adam: what's she talking about?
Kim: she was telling me about her son.
Antonio: at least she's communicating with someone.

Just in everyone received and text from Platt.


Hailey: do you think she FORREAL.
Jay: I'm not taking the risk!
Adam: same, especially if platt already said our jobs aren't secured.
Kevin: I agree!
Kim:😂😂 I agree!
Antonio: what's so funny?
Kim: I was telling Erin what you guys said about the new boss. She said good luck!
Adam: we will need it!

The team ordered their breakfast and continued to talk. Erin was finalizing Leo's paper work for school, and getting him ready for his first day. Nick was looking for his own apartment, he currently slept in the spare bedroom at Erin's house. Later that afternoon Erin finished up the work for Leo, now she was getting herself ready for her first day.

Nick: I know you said to wear our blues but mine isn't in yet.
Erin: it's okay we wear casual wear, I'm just seeing if they follow directions.
Nick: Wow, ball busting your old team! I love it!
Erin: 😂, hey I'm going to be late tomorrow, I have to drop Leo off, then I'll be in? You'll be in charge till I get their.
Nick: Are you sure, I'm quite sure they don't want an outsider telling them shit.
Erin: I'm the boss, so I don't give a damn what they have to say.
Nick: okay boss lady!
Erin: I will probably need your help picking him up tomorrow, you know until I can trust the hired help they have given me.
Nick: no problem, you know I like hanging with Leo. What time does IT get in tomorrow?
Erin: his flight lands at 6:30 in the morning,I think he's staying here with us too. He's gonna drop his stuff off then head to district.
Nick: sounds good, I'm going to get some Chinese want some?
Erin: yea, you know what me and Leo likes.
Nick: yea, I'll be back!

The team spent the rest of the day at the park.

Antonio: we need 2 captains?
Jay: me!
Kim: me!
Antonio: okay jay and burgess, pick your players.
Jay: Antonio...
Kim: Kevin...
Adam: you pick Kevin over me?
Jay: Hailey...
Kim: I guess I'll take Adam.
Team: 😂😂😂😂
Adam: wow! babe this is what you think of me?
Kim: sorry babe!😬

They started to play flag football, jays team took a quick 2 score lead, but burgess and her team made a quick come back.

Jay: hey guys isn't that the commander?
Antonio: yea, I think your right.
Adam: we should go ask about the new sergeant?
Hailey: why not?
Adam: Hey commander!
Commander: hey, intelligence unit right?
Jay: yup that's us!
Commander: what can I do for you all?
Hailey: we wanted to know more about the new hire.
Commander: ahh, I guess she was serious about that. Well her boss said she was was high in command, special agent in charge I think was her title.
Adam: whats that?
Commander: That mean she was a promotion away from director. Fastest agent to get promoted, they said her work ethic is unbelievable. Im quite sure sergeant platt has mentioned she will fire anyone who doesn't put in the work.
Kim: So that was true, I better get on her good side.
Commander: Yea she seemed lovely, but don't get on her bad side. She start tomorrow?
Jay: yea, anything else you can tell us about her?
Commander: she has pull, so I would watch what I say!👀 I believe she told me she has 2 new additions, you'll meet them tomorrow to.
If that's all, I'll be on my way.
Antonio: Thank you commander for the time.
Kevin: This talk made me more nervous.
Adam: Umm me too.
Kim: why do I feel like he's not tell us something?
Hailey: it does seem like that. Well it's getting dark guys let's call it a night?
Jay: yea, okay!
Antonio: okay, anyone need a ride?
Hailey+Kim: we do!
Adam: Kim I thought you were coming to my place?
Kim: yea I forgot lol!
Jay: I can take you home Hailey.
Hailey: Thanks jay!
Antonio: well goodnight guys see you in the morning. Ay don't forget to wear your blues.
Jay: OKAY! Come on Hailey.

Everyone left and went their separate ways.

Hailey: Thanks for offering to drop me off!
Jay: it was no problem.
Hailey: how have you been since seeing Erin?
Jay: I don't know...
Hailey: jay I'm your partner, come on.
Jay: it was weird seeing her, she barely wanted to talk to me.
Hailey: Jay maybe it's time to move on, she clearly doesn't want to be here. Her life is in New York with her son.
Jay: I can't believe she has a kid? How come Hank didn't say anything?
Hailey: I'm not sure why, but she has a life of her own, look thanks again for the ride I'll see you at work tomorrow.
Jay: see you tomorrow!

Jay left and went back to his place. Nick had returned  with the food, Erin and Leo had set the dining table up. They ate dinner, Erin offered Leo a movie before bed. He couldn't turn it down so they watched man of steel. Superman was also Leo's favorite super hero, Leo fell asleep towards the end of the movie. Erin picked him up and brought him to his room. Nick started clearing the dishes.

Leo: goodnight mommy! Love you
Erin: goodnight buddy! Love you too!
Nick: is he sleep?
Erin: yea he is.
Nick: is ready for school tomorrow?
Erin: he's excited, I'm happy for him.
Nick: i am too, he's gonna fit in. He seems like a mr popular kinda kid.
Erin: ha me and his dad were neither, he was a nerd, and I was a loser. I was smart in school, but his dad was very smart.
Nick: well I guess your present personality is what he got, that kid is just like you.
Erin: I hope he got all the good from me.
Leo: mommyyyy!!
Erin: hey munchkin I thought you was sleep?
Leo: I want to sleep with you tonight!
Erin: okay munchkin, hop in my bed and I'll be in a few.
Leo: okay! Night nick!
Nick: night Leo! I guess I'll call it a night to boss.
Erin: alright goodnight nick, oh and go in at 8 I want you to set up the new board, IT will be in later. Also see how they react to you being back, see who not dressed In their blues, and what they have say about the new boss.
Nick: anything else 😂😂
Erin: nope!
Nick: alright.

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