Chapter 25

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After their night out, the team had returned back to work to find the person responsible for Carlos death. Leo also came to work today, but he and a few friends from his baseball team are gonna attend A Cubs game today. Fortunately for Erin and Jay, Joe and the team promised to keep an eye on the kids. So the kids will be with the team manager at all times.

Erin: Okay team let's close this case today.
Adam: Carlos mom was able to get us the phone records, he made and received a lot of call to someone named CP.
Erin: mouse see if the phone is still on.
Mouse: No it's not, but I will continue to monitor it.
Erin: okay did the footage come in from the university?
Antonio: Yes, but we're having forensic see if they can get better quality.
Erin: okay!

The team continued to search for new clues, and doubled checked to see if they had missed anything. They were still waiting for the footage to come in.

Leo was excited for the day ahead of him, he came bouncing up the stair to Erin. She was bringing him to the stadium to meet up with the rest of his friends.

Erin: I'll be back as soon as possible, Antonio your in charge. 
Leo: let's go mom!
Erin: alright Leo, let's go!

While in the car Erin went over all the rules, and told him what to do just in case there was an emergency. She wanted him to be very careful and mindful of his surroundings. She was preparing Leo for the near future. Erin was so focused on telling Leo to watch him surrounding that she didn't notice Charlie outside of the district, and that he was now following behind the car. Charlie put 2 and 2 together and realized Leo was actually Erins kid. One of her deepest fear was now coming to life, the man who used, and abused her now knew about her son.  They made their way to the stadium where Leo friends was standing outside the gate waiting for him. Erin helped them check in and find the team manager that was going to be watching him.

Erin: love you and remember if anything happens...
Leo: Call you first. I know mom!
Erin: Your growing up so fast🥺...... okay I'm going to get out here. Oh and if you want any of the souvenirs or snacks tell the team manager.
Leo: okay!
Erin: And behave yourself.
Leo: I promise I will.

Before Erin left she talk to the team manager, Joe and the team about Charlie. She doubt he would ever show up at a baseball game, but she wouldn't put it pass him. She just asked that if anyone see him to call her immediately. After she left she texted a picture of Charlie to their phones so they knew who to look for just in case.

Erin arrived back at the district, hoping they had finally been able to get a clear image of the victim with the potential suspect.

Trudy: The victim's girlfriend would like to speak to you!
Erin: Send her up!

Erin: Jessica?
Jessica: yes, that's me!
Erin: we can talk in the break room.
Jessica: okay!
Erin: Okay, so firstly tell me about your relationship with Carlos?
Jessica: as you know he was my boyfriend, we've been dating for 2 years. We met in chemistry he was lab partner. Since that first day together we just hit it off.
Erin: we've spoken to a lot of people, and they all say Carlos started acting different almost 2 months ago. Did you notice that?
Jessica: Oh God this is all my fault!
Erin: What's your fault?
Jessica: last semester I didn't have enough money for this semester, so this guy got me a job dancing for money. I only danced till I had the money but when I was ready to leave the guy wouldn't allow me. He said this new guy was taking over, he had just out of prison. I told Carlos about it and he said he would take care of it.
Erin: Do you know the new handlers name?
Jessica: hold on I think I have his number in my phone. I didn't know his name.
Erin: we're going to go to the bullpen, your gonna call the number and my friend mouse is gonna try to get a location okay.
Jessica: okay!
Erin: mouse I want you to trace this number she's about to call.
Mouse: okay!
Erin: Go ahead an call!

Jessica called the number, and the team stood around listening for background noise. But when the person on the other side of the phone picked up it felt like a Boulder just fell on Erin's head.

Unknown: Go for Charlie.
Jessica: Hey, I need a little extra cash, do you have any work for me?
Charlie: of course I do, I can have you working tonight if you want?
Jessica: where should I meet you?
Charlie: Meet me at Sheffield's Chicago on W school st.

Joe: Hey, that guy you told me to watch out for, he's here at the stadium. He's sitting a few rows behind Leo and his friends.
Erin: I'm on my way! Just keep an eye on Leo.
Joe: okay!
Jay: what's wrong
Erin: Charlie's at the stadium, Joe said he saw him sitting a few rows behind Leo.
Jay: Shit, let's go!

The team is vesting up to head to the stadium, while Leo and his friends are having the time of their lives. They started taking pictures and cracking jokes. Leo told the team manager that they were getting hungry, so he brought the kids up to the concession stand. The team manager didn't notice but Leo did, he saw Charlie but he didn't say anything. After he got food and returned he checked to see if Charlie was was still there but he wasn't. He figured it was just his imagination, so he just walked back to his seat and ate his food. As he was finishing up his food he felt someone grabbing at him.

Charlie: Hey Leo it's nice to see you again.

Leo attempted to jump up but Charlie quickly pulled him back down.

Leo: what do you want from me!
Charlie: Your mom!
Leo: you don't know my mom.
Charlie: Oh trust me I know mom, we're old friends. Me and erin go way back, I use to help her out when she was younger.
Leo: no my mom said you use to hurt her.
Charlie: I loved her I would never hurt her and your mom loved me too.
Leo: No she didn't, my told me the only man she has ever loved was my dad. Now leave me alone.

Joe had saw that Charlie had gotten even closer to Leo, so he called Erin and told her to get her down there quickly. Fortunately Erin and the team was already at the stadium. Erin and the team had split up, and went down the aisles looking for Leo and Charlie.

Charlie started pulling Leo out of his seat, when the team manager noticed he yelled for security, Erin and her team saw the commotion and ran towards that direction. Charlie saw the officers approaching and then he turned around an saw her.

Charlie: well if it isn't my girl.......

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