Chapter 45

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That's when Erin walked into the room, she could tell from across the room that Jay was looking uncomfortable. Erin walked up to the table......

Erin walked up to the table and grabbed Allie's arm and moved it. She sat down and made herself comfortable, Allie just looked at her and gave a dirty look.

Allie: I thought you said this seat was for your fiancé?
Jay: It is!
Allie: Then why is she sitting here?
Erin: How about you ask me why I'm sitting here instead of talking over me?
Allie: No because you rudely interrupted me while I was talking to Jay.
Erin: Talking!  You were feeling up and down on Jay's arm.
Adam: Kim you might wanna move over, there's a war about to start!
Allie: She's fine, it's your boss here she thinks it's fine to interrupt people when they're in mid conversation.
Kevin: Yea, but she can do that!
Allie: No she can't, I was talking to him so she didn't have to come rudely move my arm. It's not like it was her seat anyway, it's his fiancé seat!
Jay: A....
Mouse: It would definitely be more beneficial if you stay out of this one.
Nadia: Yea please don't talk!
Allie: Are you gonna help me out here Jay? Do you think me or her was in the wrong?

Everyone eyes was now on Jay even Allie's Parents. The only eyes he was concerned about was the ones next to him, his fiancé. He took a deep breathe before responding.

Allie: Earth to Jay hello!
Jay: You're in the wrong Allie.
Allie: What?
Erin: What did you expect, your high school sweetheart was gonna choose you?
Allie: Jaybear How could you choose her when she was being a complete Bitch?
Jay: That's where I draw the line!
Allie: What?
Jay: Don't ever I mean ever refer to her or call her a bitch!
Allie: Jaybear...
Jay: Stop calling me that too, I'm not you boyfriend anymore and this isn't high school. I'm a grown ass man now with a fiancé and kids so stop.
Allie: Where's your fiancé then?
Jay: If you didn't realize by now it's Erin, she's mine fiancé. Didn't you realize that, when she was fighting for me.
Allie: but... but....
Erin:Cats got your tongue!!
Antonio: Yea, one thing you don't do is mess Jay. He is always off limits!
Erin: Jay is mine and mine alone, and I won't share him with anyone accept our kids!!
Allie's mom: Oh Jay you have kids?
Jay: Yes ma'am!
Allie's mom: How many kids do you have?
Jay: We have 2 kids, a boy and a little girl.
Allie's dad: Aww that's amazing, how old are they?
Jay: Our son just turned 8 last month, and our little girl is 3 months old.
Allie: Wait you just had a kid!
Erin: Yes we did!
Allie's mom: Do you have any pictures we could see?
Erin: Of course!

Both Jay and Erin pulled pictures up on their phones to show both of Allie's parent their kids. Jay was the proud dad going through picture giving them the back story behind each photo. Erin couldn't help but blush at how her fiancé spoke about their kids.

Jay: so our daughters name is Chloe, and our son is Leonardo but we call him Leo.
Allie's dad: I see he's into baseball, is he good?
Jay: You have no idea, he just finished up his season.
Allie's dad: Who does he play for?
Erin: The Chicago Rapids.
Allie's dad: Wait they just won the little league World Series, they had that amazing pitcher. Honey what's the kid name who was pitching?
Allie's mom: Something that starts with an L, I can't think of it?
Jay: His name would be Leo and that's our son, he's the pitcher.
Allie's dad: That's your son, he was truly amazing. You've got a talented kid on your hand, Will he play any other sports?
Erin: He's thinking about soccer next, so we will see.
Kevin: As much as we love talking about the Halstead kids we were promised some Stories from Jay's younger days.
Allie's dad: Your right, which one should we tell them. What about the one where you split your pants?
Jay: Oh god no!
Adam: Oh I've got to hear this one.
Allie's dad: His sophomore year in high school they had a talent show....
Adam: Oh God this is going to be hilarious, Jay you were in a talent show?
Jay: I was talented!
Kevin: Continue with the story please.
Allie's dad: Jay decided to go out and rap and dance to Vanilla ice's song Ice ice baby, he was doing great until the the chorus. That's when he hit a split and his tight leather pants ripped and his heart covered boxers were on full display.
Kevin: Not the heart boxers Jay!
Jay: I liked them and they were very comfortable.
Allie's mom: What about when he tried to grow a mullet?
Erin: Babe a mullet??
Jay: I thought it was cool.
Allie's mom: poor guy didn't grow a full mustache till after he graduated high school.
Jay: Alright Guys that's enough telling stories about me, let's order dinner?
Antonio: Fine mullet man!
Jay: Now they're never gonna let that go.
Allie's mom: Sorry sweetie!

Everyone ordered their dinner, while waiting Allie's parents decided to share more stories about Jay. Jay just sat at the table with super red cheeks, he was completely embarrassed. Fortunately the waiter came back with their dishes in reasonable timing. They all ate together, and Erin paid the bill for them and Allie's dad paid for theirs. Jay was the first to get up from the table, he helped Erin as well . He told everyone goodnight and they left.

That night Erin allowed Jay to sleep in their bed, she liked how he stood up for her. He wasn't getting any play though, because it took him forever to address the situation.

The next morning Jay was up before Erin, he decided to go down stairs and order him and Erin some breakfast. When he got downstairs he placed his order, while he was waiting Allie's parents saw him across the room and called him over.

Allie's dad: Morning Jay!
Jay: Morning!
Allie's mom: What are you doing up so early?
Jay: I thought I would surprise my fiancé and order her some breakfast in bed for her!
Allie's mom: That's so sweet! So how did you to meet your fiancé?
Jay: She was actually my partner when I joined Intelligence.
Allie's dad: Tell us more about your family?
Jay: Where do I start?
Allie's mom: I guess your fiancé.
Jay: Erin, She's the love of my life. When everything seems to be going wrong, she's my light at the end of the tunnel. She's the backbone of our family, cause without her I wouldn't be as happy as I am and I wouldn't have my amazing kids. She's it for me, she has saved my life more than I can count. She always has my back, she's my balance in the storm. As for my son Leo, he's just like his mom. He's fearless, and very intelligent. He's only in the second grade but he's been offered a few opportunities to skip a few grades. He's very protective, I think he gets that from me and Erin. Leo loves his sports, and I get to share that with him I couldn't have asked for a better son. As for my daughter she definitely a replica of her mom but she has my personality. I love when she wakes up in the middle of the night, because I get her and we just have daddy daughter time. She's my little princess, she just melts my heart.
Allie's dad: Life seems like it's going great for you!
Jay: I reckon it is, I got an amazing woman beside me and 2 amazing kids, a job that I love and friends that are like family what more could I ask for!!!!!

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