Chapter 37

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Nadia: imma go pay for the gas I'll be right back.
Trudy: Okay!
Leo: I Have to go to the bathroom!
Nadia: You can come with me then.

Nadia goes an pays for the gas, and Trudy pumps it. Leo then walks to the bathroom while Nadia waits outside the door for him. Once Leo is done he walks out the restroom. He grabs a hold of Nadia's hand and starts to walk towards the exit but Leo jumped when they both were yanked backwards. Nadia and Leo were both struggling to get out of the hold, but the man had a cloth over their faces. The more they struggled the weaker they got, eventually they both passed out in his arms.

Yates: It's good to see you again Nadia, and it's a pleasure to meet you Leo.

Yates dragged both of there bodies to the opposite door and to the car he had on the other side waiting. Once he secured the bodies he took off. After Trudy pumped the gas, she felt it was strange that they wasn't back yet, so she went in the gas station. She walked in and immediately pulled her phone out when she saw the body of the cashier on the floor, he looked to be unconscious. She quickly checked his pulse, she quickly confirmed that he in fact was still breathing. Then she got up and went checked the store for Nadia and Leo, but there was no sign. The first number she called was Erin's.

Erin: Hello!
Trudy: They're gone!
Erin: What do you mean?
Trudy: We stopped for gas, Nadia went paid and took Leo to the bathroom but they never returned, after I finished pumping the gas I went to check and they weren't there. I found the cashier unconscious, looks like Chloroform. There's a cloth by his face. Erin what the hell is going on?
Erin: Yates is back!
Trudy: Okay set up a 10 mile radius around this gas station, I'll go check the security tape to see if I can see a car or license plate.
Erin: I'm sending the team your way.
Trudy: Put an amber alert out on Leo.

The team quickly starts to file out just as SVU starts to walk in. Erin quickly catches them up to speed and now they are all headed out except for mouse Kim and nick. Erin needs detectives inside to start analyzing evidence as they are getting it.

Erin: Jay we have to find him, he's gonna be terrified.
Jay: We're going to find them both and end this prick.
Erin: Trudy has a license plate for us, LPU340 mouse run the plates.
Mouse: Last scene on I-90E going East.
Liv: Erin he's heading back to New York again!
Erin: We have to stop him, last time we were almost to late when he took Nadia the first time.
Liv: We will get them in time. Start putting blockades up at the state line.
Erin: We just have to keep following that car, you know he will either switch plates or cars soon.
Mouse: It's saying the car is slowing down Erin.
Erin: Mouse send units to that location, something is up. He wouldn't be slowing down already.

Back in the car with Yates......

Yates: Wakey wakey....
Nadia: What the hell?
Yates: Long time no see Nads, how've you been?
Nadia: I thought you went to prison?
Yates: You thought those walls would confine me, especially when I still had work to finish!
Nadia: Why take Leo too, you could've left him?
Yates: Cause I have plans to finish things with his momma.
Leo: M..mommy..mommy
Nadia: Hey Munchkin, we're going to get back to your momma.
Leo: I want my mom and dad!
Yates: Ahh yea the detective, Jay Hal's correct?
Leo: Don't say his name!
Yates: oooh feisty, you get that from your momma.
Leo: Don't talk about my mom either!
Nadia: Where are we going?
Yates: somewhere fun!!
Leo: My mom and dad are going to find us!!
Yates: Yea but are they gonna find you dead or alive?
Nadia: Leo, listen to me he's crazy! Your mom and the entire team will find it us.. I promise we will walk away from this.
Yates: Keep hope....
Nadia: Shut up......

Mouse: That's not them, he switch the plates on the car!
Erin: Fuck, okay so he's still in Chicago.
Liv: How about we go over every spot he went to the last time he was here, we divide and conquer. He's obviously not done in Chicago!

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