Chapter 23

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Erin: alright guys we caught a case, a man just reported that a body just washed up at the lake. Let's roll out!

The team arrived at the scene to see that CSU had already began searching for evidence. They had found a backpack ripped to shreds, the front pocket had 10 little bags of a white substance in it. CSU took photos of the bags before collecting a sample and sending it to the lab. The team search the rest of finished searching the lake for evidence before heading back to the district. Kim and Kevin talked to the man who initially called about the body and a few other witnesses. The lake is a protected area so Erin sent Nadia and nick to go recover the footage.

Back at the district Leo was getting tired of just sitting around, so he asked Trudy is she could go out outside and toss the ball around for a few. Leo put his charming smile and of course Trudy couldn't resist those little green eyes and freckles. She brought Leo outside and started tossing the baseball around. He really enjoyed hanging out with Trudy, she was able to give Leo insight on both of his parents.

Leo: Can you tell me what my mom was like as a kid?
Trudy: Before she lived with hank she was a wild child, but after she went to live with Hank she turned herself around.
Leo: what about my dad, you've known all my life. What is he like?
Trudy: He's honestly one of the best men I know, don't tell your dad this but he's actually my second favorite.
Leo: second, who's your first favorite?
Trudy: Your mom is my favorite, she always been my go to girl.
Leo: mom is my favorite too.

Leo and Trudy continue talking and playing catch until Leo bumped into a guy walk by. Leo stood straight when the guy looked at Leo.

Leo: Sorry... Trudy I wanna go inside.
Trudy: Leo are you okay?
Unknown: Ahh Leo it is, it's okay sorry for getting in your way.
Leo: Trudy can we go in now?
Trudy: yea, your mom and dad is almost here anyway.
Unknown: can I meet his parents?
Leo: Umm no, now please leave.
Trudy: sorry sir, I'm not sure what's going on with him.
Unknown: You know kids these days.
Trudy: Well I need to get back inside. Sorry again for that.

Leo quickly ran back into the building and waited for Trudy to come inside also. Once he saw Trudy he asked her to buzz him upstairs. She just gave h a very concerned look before buzzing him upstairs. Shortly after buzzing him up Erin and the team had returned.

Trudy: Hey Erin, Jay can I speak to you 2?
Erin: yea, what's up? Where's Leo?
Trudy: That's what this is about. We was outside tossing the ball around having a great time until Leo started acting weird. He wanted to come inside immediately, but then the guy asked for your name and Leo wanted to bolt inside the building. When we got in side he asked me to buzz him upstairs.
Erin: is he still up there?
Trudy: yea.
Jay: I'll ask mouse to see if he can pull footage.
Erin: okay, but after we check in him.
Jay: I agree.

Jay and Erin joined the rest of the team in the bullpen. Leo wasn't sitting at any of our desk.

Erin: Leo, where are you?
Nadia: He's in your office.
Nick: I heard him shuffling around in there.
Erin: Thanks guys, hey munchkin can me and your dad come in?
Leo: Yes!
Erin: What's wrong munchkin?
Leo: I saw that guy again!
Jay: which guy?
Leo: the same guy who was outside when I grabbed my baseball stuff out of moms car.
Jay: I'll go speak to mouse.
Leo: mommy I think he was a bad guy. He asked Trudy for your names but I didn't want to tel him.
Erin: your safe now munchkin.
Jay: Okay mouse said give him 5 minutes, hey Leo you know we will do whatever we need to do to protect you okay.
Leo: I know and I love you both.
Erin: I love you to.
Jay: I love you both.
Erin: I love you too jay, Leo how about you lay on the sofa while we go find out who the person was.
Leo: okay!

Erin and jay left her office to see if mouse had an identity for her. Mouse approach the bullpen with his hand on his forehead.

Mouse: Erin I'm sorry but it looks like this guy is from your past.
Erin: What do you mean?
Mouse: his name is Charlie pugliese. He got out of prison a little over 2 months ago.
Erin: Shit!
Jay: Is this the guy from when you were a kid?
Erin: yea, that's him, I can't believe he saw Leo.
Jay: we have the advantage he doesn't know we're Leo's parents. So for now he's a kid that hangs at the district.
Erin: We gotta extra careful since he's been around the district twice now, I don't want to give him a 3rd opportunity.
Jay: we'll ask the team to hep out to. We need to talk to his school again. I know you called your personal driver off, but I think this is a great time to bring him back.
Erin: okay, let's inform the team.

Erin informed the team of what was going on, and that if anyone was to see him they should inform her. Everyone agreed to help out with Leo, so he's never alone. Erin agreed to only put the intelligence and the personal driver apart of Leo pickup people. She made sure to announce that she will not be writing notes and if anything was to change she would call. After getting everything squared away the team got back to the case, there was footage but it only showed the victim leaving on a boat with another person. The other person face could not be seen.

Erin: Nadia do you have an ID on the victim?
Nadia: His name is Carlos Sanchez, 22 years old and was a student U of C.
Antonio: How does a student that goes to a top university get found beaten and dead on the lake.
Erin: I don't know but Nick and kin go see if he had roommates, and Kev, Adam goes ask around and see if anyone had problems with him. Mouse do a thorough background check, I wanna know everything about this kid. Antonio and Nadia go talk to his parents, and wanna know if anyone in his family was mixed in with the wrong crew.

Jay: what do you want me to do?
Erin: I need you for support, I'm gonna tell Leo about Charlie. I want to know that he not a good guy and if he ever sees him again he needs to know what to do.
Jay: I think he already knows what to do.
Erin: I know but I have so many demons from my past it's impossible not to worry.
Jay: we both have demons, but now we are in this together to fight off everything that tries to mess with our family.
Erin: I couldn't agree more. I really love how you said our family😍.
Jay: 🙄☺️ come on let's go talk to our son.

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