Chapter 47

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After spending an entire weekend in warm Orlando Florida, the teams much needed break was now over. Erin and the team had packed up their things and headed for the airport. Once they arrived it wasn't long after before they boarded their flight, and of course Adam had to start complaining. Erin quickly solved that problem, she asked the flight attendant to switch his seat and put him all the way in the back. He still complained but no one could hear him.

After they finally touched down in Chicago Erin told the team they were to report back to the district the day. Their vacation time was officially over and they needed to get back to work. Everyone went to collect their luggage before going their separate ways. Jay and Erin was first to leave the airport, they couldn't wait to back to their kids. Nadia and mouse was second, Nadia was tired and her ankle was already starting to swell. Everyone else just followed them out after they collected everything.

Erin decided she was gonna drive because Jay can be super cautions behind the wheel. Right now it is not the time to be cautious especially when they haven't seen their kids in a whole week. Erin basically floored it all the way to Will's. Erin wasted no time getting there, you would've thought it was a high speed chase how fast she was driving.

Once they arrived both Jay and Erin quickly jumped out the truck and sprinted for the front door. They nearly knocked each other over trying to get there. When they knocked on the door Will had answered it.

Will: welcome back guys, how was th......
Erin: Great we'll tell you everything, we really want to see the kids!
Jay: Sorry, we've just really missed them.
Will: I understand, Leo's upstairs in Owens room and Chloe is in my room with Natalie. Your kid can really go through some clothes.
Jay: Yes, she can, she's a foodie like her mom..
Erin: heyyy!!!!
Jay: I mean that in the best way possible, and plus I love that you love your food.
Erin: Much better, you want to grab Leo or Chloe?
Jay: I gotta get my princess, so you grab Leo.
Erin: Okay!

They both split and headed in different directions, Erin grabbing Leo and Jay grabbing Chloe. Erin slowly walked the stairs so she could surprise Leo. Owens doors was open so she slowly walked in and sat behind Leo. Both boys were to busy playing their video game that they didn't notice her sitting there.

After waiting a few minutes she couldn't help it anymore, Erin threw her arms over his and pulled him back in towards her chest. Leo quickly panicked until, he turned around and was face to face with his mom.

Leo: MOMMM, your back. I missed you guys!
Erin: we missed you too!
Owen: Hi Aunty Erin!
Erin: Hey Owen, did you guys have fun this past week?
Leo: We had an amazing time.
Owen: We had so much fun!
Erin: That's great guys!
Leo: Guess what mom?
Erin: What?
Leo: Me and Leo are joining the same soccer team.
Erin: No way, that's awesome!
Leo: We've been practicing all week, uncle Will has been helping us.
Owen: Yea my dad took us to the park to practice too.
Erin: That was really cool of him to do that.
Leo: Mom, Where's dad at?
Erin: He downstairs, he was grabbing Chloe. You can go down there and see him if you want.
Leo: Okay!

While Leo quickly hopped up, Erin started collecting his clothes and toys before heading down the stairs. When they got downstairs Jay was holding Chloe in his arms. Their almost 4 month old was starting to laugh, but loved smiling. Jay had loved the fact that she had inherited Erin's dimples and his blue eyes. Their kids were very blessed in the DNA and Genes game.

Jay: Hey bud, I missed you!
Leo: I missed you too!
Jay: Did you have fun with uncle Will?
Leo:We had a great time, me and Owen will be on the same soccer team.
Jay: Awesome, congrats to both of you for making them team.
Owen: Thanks uncle Jay!
Erin: You've had her long enough, give me my baby back.
Jay: Hey, I've missed her just as much as you have.
Erin: How about we head home, and you can drive.
Jay:Sweet, let's go guys. Leo do you have all your things?
Leo: yup, mom grabbed my things.
Erin: Nat already packed up this little ladies things. Leo go tell uncle Will, and Aunty Nat Thank you for letting you stay with them.
Leo: Yes ma'am! Thank you uncle Will and Aunty Nat for letting me stay here, I had a lot of fun.
Will: you can come back anytime you want.
Natalie: Yes, come back anytime you want we really enjoyed you and your sisters company.
Leo:Bye Owen!
Owen: Bye Leo!

The Lindsay-Halstead family had left and headed back to their home. The family took time out to talk about how both of their weeks had been. Of course Leo had an amazing time with his cousin, but he also like spending time with his little sister as well. Erin told Leo about all the fun they had together, and how Adam cried on the roller coaster. They spent the rest of the day catching up and hanging out.

A week later was Leo and Owen's first soccer practice. Will had been helping the boys practice after school, so they could be somewhat prepared for the upcoming season. Well it's a great thing that Leo is a gifted athlete, cause he was doing most of the teaching.

The first week was tryouts for what positions they wanted to play. Leo was the center forward, and Owen was a winger. They were basically playing side by side with each other, the best cousin duo on the field.

For the first few weeks the team had been practicing for an upcoming tournament. Right after the tournament would finish, they would jump right into their season. Leo had built up a little fan base from his time in baseball so some of the fans rolled over.

A month later.......

The boys was getting prepared for their first game, it was going to take place the night before Halloween. After playing in a televised tournament in September, Jay and Erin were a little bit more cautious due to how many people would come out to see Leo and Owen play.

As that Saturday rolled around Erin got their 4 1/2 month old daughter Chloe ready, while Jay helped Leo get ready. Once everyone was ready they headed out of their house, and to the soccer field. Once they got to the field the met up with the rest of intelligence and their friends from both 51 and med. The ladies had designed some shirts for everyone in support of the boys, it "PROUD SUPPORTERS OF THE HALSTEAD BOYS".

Once the boys got on the field the coach then handed out their New Jersey's. Leo was #8 and Owen was #9. Once all the players had their jerseys on, they took the field. Leo and Owen warmed up together before the referee was ready.

Both boys were doing an amazing job at half time even though they were down 3-2, with Leo and Owen both having a point. When they came back after half time, both boys were ready. Then ended up tying the game and then taking a 2 point lead. Right before the final whistle was blown Owen kicked amazing field long shot and made it. They ended up winning 6-4, Leo with 3 points and Owen with 2. They both played an amazing game, so after they collected their gear they met up with huge group of family and friends waiting for them.

Will: You boys did amazing, congratulations on the win.
Jay: Yes congratulations boys, you both make us proud dads.
Kelly: You made us all proud, you boys did awesome.
Everyone: Leo and Owen 👏👏 👏👏👏 Owen and Leo 👏👏 👏👏👏
Erin: Congrats boys!
Natalie: Congrats boys we're so proud of you!
Leo&Owen: Thank you all!

As everyone was cheering on the boys and older male started walking towards the group. No one noticed until he was standing behind both boys, and the expression on Jay's face had completely shifted. Will happened to look up to and then back at Jay. They're good day had just turned sour.

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