Chapter 51

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At about 5 o'clock that afternoon, the entire family was at the cabin. When Will arrived he asked Erin to meet him upstairs in the game room.

"Did you grab everything I asked for?"

"Yea, I got everything you asked me to grab."

"You think he's gonna like it?"

"He's gonna love it!"

"I hope so! So Leo tells me your taking him and Owen up the slopes tomorrow?"

"Yea, imma see if the guys wanna go with, then that will give the ladies some time to hangout."

"Thanks we really appreciate that."

"So, what's the plan for tonight?"

"Me and the other ladies thought we could just kick back and just have a family night. Most of the day is gone. So I say we pop open a few bags of marshmallows and get to roasting them. Then we can just watch a movie, and start our trip early tomorrow."

"Sounds like a plan, I will let the guys know."

Will headed back down stairs to the guys and Erin went to find the kids, and set them up with their treats. Kim and Natalie was in the kitchen fixing the ladies some festive drinks. Will and Jay set up the fire place so they could start roasting marshmallows.

While the kids were roasting marshmallows Erin set up a Christmas movie. The grinch that stole Christmas was the movie they picked, so while Erin prepared the movie Mouse and Adam sat down some pillows and blankets all over the floor. Everyone found there spot on the floor and the kids shared blanket while the adults got their Own.
Nadia sat down with Mouse, Natalie with Will, Kim with Adam, and Erin with Jay. All the singles sat by themselves, while the boys stretched out on the floor. By the middle of the movie Owen had fallen asleep, and Leo was dozing off. Both boys had a great time playing in the snow, but it did burn a lot of energy. Jay had told Erin he was going to take the boys to their room, and that he needed a minute. Erin new he was still having a hard time with the fact that Abby had returned. To top it all off, she told him that she had a child with his father and now it was really starting to get to him.
She gave him a few minutes before she went and checked on him. He was sitting in the middle of the bed, with his hands covering his eyes.

"I know it's a stupid question, but how are you doing?"

"I honestly don't know, I thought she was out of my life forever, but she's back."

"I know, I don't think any of us were expecting that!"

"We definitely was not, like I possibly have a 4 year old brother. Our son is older than him, this is all to much. Then right before the holidays she wants to spring this on us?"

"I know it's definitely bad timing babe, but don't be the reason that little boy doesn't have family. Like I know dealing with Abby will be a lot of work, but be there for the little boy. Cause I don't need the DNA results to know that he is definitely related to you and Will."

"I just hate the fact that he was drunk, and did this. Like why my ex, there wasn't anyone else?"

"What can I do to make you feel at least a little bit better?"

"A time machine.."

"Jay, be practical!"

"I just need you here in my arms."

"Now that's something I can do for you!"

"I need a distraction?"

"I got my wedding dress, and the cutest little dress for Chloe."

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