Chapter 4

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Later that night.......

Will being the nosey brother called jay.

Will: hey jay.
Jay: what's up?
Will: Were you going to tell me Erin was back in town?
Jay: umm no I barely knew she was in town. Wait how did you known.
Will: me and Natalie treated her son earlier tonight.
Jay: so we did hear that correctly.
Will: what, that she has a son.
Jay: yea, we saw her at Hanks grave site and we approached her. Before she could talk she got a call saying someone was being rushed to the hospital. We asked what happen, she said she had to go. I said wow she leaving again without saying anything.
Will: I'm surprised she didn't slap you.
Jay: actually she did and then told me to go fuck myself.
Will: I see she hasn't changed a bit.
Jay: is she still there?
Will: yea, her and little guy went to sleep not to long ago.
Jay: what time do you get off?
Will: now, I'm packing my things up, then I'm heading home. I gotta be back in the morning.
Jay: okay, well I'm going to head back into Molly's.
Will: alright jay goodnight.
Jay: goodnight, text me when you make it home.
Will: okay!

At Molly's.......

Adam: what were you doing out there?
Jay: nothing, will called me to ask about Erin.
Antonio: I guess she's at med.
Jay: yea.
Hailey: you good?
Jay: umm.. yea I'm good.
Adam: does he know how long she's staying for.
Jay: she has to stay overnight so at least another day.
Kevin: I mean we can go up there tomorrow and see if she wants to talk to us.
Kim: we can only try.
Hailey: do we have to?
Adam: I mean if she slaps jay again at least well already be at a hospital.
The team: 😂😂
Antonio: I guess we're going.

The team decided they would meet at the hospital in the morning to see If Erin would talk to them.

The next morning....

Erin woke up to a call from her office saying there was a doctor in Chicago trying to access Leo's medical records. Erin told them she would handle it. It's around 9:30 in the morning , will and Natalie should be here any minute to start discharging Leo. While Leo was still sleep she got and used the bathroom, went to grab Leo some breakfast. She also called nick to let him know he could head over so could pick them up. Erin walked into the room and woke Leo up, she set his breakfast up for him. Will and Natalie walked in the room.

Natalie: good morning! How are you feeling?
Leo: good morning, I feel much better. Just a little sore still.
Will: That will go away, l just need to update your records and get your discharge papers.
Erin: Did you request his medical?
Will:umm. yea how'd you know.
Erin: The FBI called me, I have his records protected. Ask me first, can you give a copy of his visit so I can give to his doctor.
Will: Sorry, and umm yes I can.

Natalie and will left the room, as they were walking to their station Jay and team walked in.

Jay: hey will, what's wrong with you?
Will: hey jay, nothing much I just got a feisty Erin.
Jay: what do you mean?
Will: I requested her son's medical records.
Jay: okay, your a doctor why was that a problem?
Will: I guess it tipped the FBI off cause they called and told her, she said her son's records are protected.
Kevin: Damn you gotta have some juice if the FBI is protecting your files.
Adam: yea I agree.
Hailey: or your trying to hide something.
Jay: where is she?
Will: room 4, I'm going over there now to discharge them.

They all started walking over to the room, Antonio noticed someone behind them.

Antonio: can I help you?
Nick: No, I'm trying to get to room 4, Excuse me.
Antonio: yea, so are we.
Nick: who are you?
Adam: The intelligence unit. Who are you?
Nick: I'm nick! Does Erin know your here?
Hailey: Yea, she asked us to come?
Nick: okay, let me tell her your here.

Nick knew they were lying, Erin would've given him a heads up. He figured this was an ambush, he went to the room and gave her a heads up.

Nick: morning guys!
Leo: morning Nick!
Erin: morning, what's up?
Nick: your old team is out there, I think they was trying to ambush you.
Erin: Shit... do me a favor grab Leo and bring him out to the car, I'll deal with them.
Nick: okay, let's get out of here Leo.

Nick grabbed Leo and walked out the room, the Intelligence team watched as he left with the boy.

Will: I have his discharge papers ready just sign and your free to go.
Erin: Thank you, I guess they are all out there.
Will: yea, they want to see you.
Erin: ha.. yea Okay....

Erin built up the courage to walk out of the room. She walked out of the room, she stood in front of the team.

Erin: .....
Kim: Hey Erin...
Erin: Hi Kim...
Kim: it's good to see you!
Erin: same, I hope your doing well!
Antonio: Erin, it's good to see!
Erin: it's good to see you too! Look I....
Adam: we just want to talk?
Erin: I honestly don't have the time, I need to get back to my son.
Jay: Then when will you have time?
Erin: I'm not sure, maybe I could've had time before his funeral. Oh wait I didn't find out till the day of.
Hailey: who's fault is that?
Erin: one thing about me I won't go back and forth, especially with Someone who irrelevant. What's done is done.
Adam: is it true you were here for Al's funeral?
Erin: not that matters anymore but yes I was, now if you excuse my son needs me.

Erin pushed through them and walked out the hospital, she made her way to the car and told the driver to go. They drove back to the hotel, Erin needed to freshen up and get ready for her meeting with the ivory tower.

Adam stood there shocked at how their interaction with Erin just went. The girl they once considered family is now stepping out on them. Jay was pissed cause Erin didn't give him the time of day.

Kevin: she seem so different.
Kim: 8 years with the FBI will do that to you.
Hailey: I guess it better for everyone that she goes back.
Adam: I can't believe she came for Al's funeral, if she was there why didn't she talk to us.
Kim: I told you she was with her son, she didn't want to see us.
Antonio: yea, I guess she didn't want us to meet him either, seeing as that guy took him and left.
Jay: I wonder if that his dad.
Hailey: Jay don't go down that path, did you forget how she hurt you.
Jay: I can't forget that but that doesn't mean I will forget our history.
Kevin: let's get out of here.

Back at the hotel..
Nick and Leo are just hanging out and watching movies, Erin promised Leo she would take him out tonight to see Chicago and meet some of her friends. She left and headed to Ivory Tower.

Ivory Tower........

Commander: Good afternoon Ms. Lindsay.
Erin: Good afternoon.
Commander: Do you know why we called you out?
Erin: no, not really. What's this about.
Commander: We spoke to Hank before he passed, umm he requested us to consider you as his replacement.
Erin: Wait what, did we forget you guys basically kicked me out of Chicago 8 years ago.
Commander: we've reviewed you time in New York, the fastest agent to make special agent in charge. Your team is ranked one of the best in the nation, not to mention everyone heard about to clean house you did. We want to offer you Hanks job, he told us it might take some convincing. He also told us to tell you it's time to come home.
Erin: how long do I have to decide, and can I add new members?
Commander: You have 24 hrs to accept,if you do accept, you can add and fire who ever you want.
Erin: I'll Have my decision by tomorrow.
Commander: Thank you for your time.
Erin: it was my pleasure.

Erin left the Ivory tower and headed back to the hotel. She had a big decision to make. Once she back at the hotel, she went up to her room. Leo was laying across the bottom of the bed sleep, and nick was watching Harry Potter.

Nick: how did it go?
Erin: They offered me Hanks job, I guess he recommended me. They said I had 24 hours to accept.
Nick: what are you going to do?
Erin: I'm not sure, I would love to come home. I also want Leo's opinion to, cause it's not about me anymore. When we go out tonight I'll ask him. How long has he been sleep?
Nick: about an hour or so.
Erin: well I'll let him sleep a little longer before I wake him. If you want you can go out and be a tourist, go see the bean, Wrigley field, the Willis tower, the best bar to try is Molly's and make sure you try so Chicago style pizza 🍕.
Nick: I think I will, I'll see you both later tonight.

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