Chapter 14

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2 months later...

Erin: Guys I want to say for the last 2 months you all have been doing an amazing job. Commander called and said that intelligence has been doing some incredible work.
Team: 👏👏👏
Kim: we do have an amazing leader.
Nadia: Yes, we do!!
Jay: I agree you have been doing an amazing job.
Adam: Linds I have to admit you have made us better. I just want to....
Erin: Adam your finally off your probation period.
Adam: Yess!

Erin: alright guys we got a case, mugging gone wrong on W 115th st. Let's roll out!

They team arrived on the scene, CSU is on standby.

Erin: What do we have?
CSU: looks like 1 through and through in the victim chest. We haven't recovered a wallet. We'll let the medical examiner determine the rest.
Erin: Adam and Kevin go look around and see if you can find a wallet or ID.
Jay: the store on the corner has cameras.
Erin: Kim and Nadia go see if the caught anything.
Kevin: We found the wallet in the dumpster, no cash and no Cards, but the victim is Joshua Miller. According to his license he's from The north side W Barry Ave.
Erin: What the hell was he doing down here then?
Antonio: A block away is the the heroin capital.
Erin: alright let's go pay a visit, burgess get that video sent over to mouse, see if their is footage. Nadia, Nick Kim Adam, you guys can head back to the district.

Erin and the guys headed to the heroin capital, it didn't take long for them to get what they needed. After they got their information they headed back to the district.

Erin: Okay heroin capital leader Andre Johnson says Joshua was a frequent customer. He would by a lot of heroin at a time, so my guess is that he was also dealing.
Mouse: So I got the Video, here you see the victim coming from around the corner with a backpack 🎒, and here the assailant is waiting for him. here is a clear picture of the guy who pulled the trigger. Looks like he was trying to take the bag off of him and Joshua didn't let it go. The assailant shot him once in the chest.

Erin: Have we identified the assailant.
Mouse: yes, assailants name is Donnell Jones, 18 yrs old with priors. Felony assault, criminal trespassing, and intent to distribute.
Erin: LKA( last known address)
Nick: last know address was 6814 S Parnell Ave.
Erin: Let's roll.

10 minutes later the team arrived at the LKA.

Erin: split up half in the front the other half in the back breach on one.
Erin:3..2..1 breach.
Jay: clear
Kim: clear
Nadia: I hear something moving upstairs.
Erin: Adam go upstairs!
Antonio: clear
Kevin: Basements clear!
Adam: We got a runner, he hopped out the back window he's on foot traveling south.
Jay: I see him!
Nick: I'm with Halstead.
Jay: cut him off down that alley!
Nick: I got him this way.

Jay launched and knock Donnell down on the ground. Nick came around and helped jay with the cuffs.

Jay: suspect is in custody, can someone bring a patrol car around. Good job nick.
Nick: Team effort!

Jay puts the suspect in the back of the car, and met up with the rest of the team.

Erin: We recovered the victims backpack 🎒, so let's head back to the district. Good job team.

The team headed back to the district, the case was pretty much solid, there's video evidence and the assailant had the victims backpack 🎒. The case was sent over to Homicide so they could finish processing it.

Erin: Great job everyone, let's finish up our paper work.

Trudy: Hey Er, Their was a package 📦 dropped off at the front desk.  It's addressed to you and Leo.
Erin: Who's it from
Trudy: There no name, just yours and Leo's.
Erin: Hmm 🧐, let me see! Did you see who left it?
Trudy: no I stepped away from the desk and when I returned it was right there.

Erin grabbed the box and shook it, then looked at the label. The return address was to the house where she was kidnapped.

Erin: NoNoNo... this can't be happening again SHIT.
Jay: what's wrong?
Erin: Mouse, it's him look at the address.
Mouse: Shit it is him.
Jay: Who?
Erin: The stalker, the guy who kidnapped me.
Mouse: There's a note, and a newspaper what does it say.

Erin: Theres also a picture of Leo at his schools spelling bee, in the newspaper circled.

Erin:  Fuck, Jay call Leo's school tell them don't let anyone pick him up. Mouse check the cameras outside of the building to see who dropped off the package.
Erin: I'm going to Leo's school.
Jay: Er they said Teddy pick him up.
Erin: 😳 Teddys in New York, shit it has to be him. Nick put a bolo out on Leo, the rest of you head out and start searching the streets. Jay, me and you are going to his school, mouse If there video I will send it over to you.

The team quickly left the district Trudy told all of her patrolman  to go out and search the streets for Leo. Jay and Erin made it to Leo's school.

Erin: What the hell happened?
Principal: Please..
Erin: don't you dare tell me to calm down. When I enrolled Leo here I told you no one besides who I gave permission is allowed to pick Leo up. How the hell did this happened.
Principal: We have a new reception and she didn't know.
Jay: Is their camera that record this area?
Principal: Yes!
Jay: we're going to need that footage.
Erin: 🥺How could I let this happen?
Jay: This is not on you, we're going to find him? Let's head back to the district and get this video over to mouse.
Erin: 🥺 Okay.

Jay and Erin headed back to the district to get the video over to mouse. While waiting for the video to be analyzed Erin got a call. 📱

Stalker: we meet again!
Erin: where is my son?
Stalker: He's right here, Leo tell your mom hello.
Leo: Help me mommy!
Erin: 🥺 where is he?
Stalker: You know what I want.
Erin: I'll give you anything just don't hurt him.
Stalker: I want you to meet me at Firecakes bakery shop on Hubbard street. Be there in 30 minutes and no cops just you.
Erin: I'll be there.

The team quickly came up with a plan, they would hang back while Erin walked into the diner. Mouse was able to place a small microphone and a gps chip  in one of Erin's rings.

Erin: testing testing can you here me?
Mouse: loud and clear.

Erin arrived at the the bakery, she looked across the room to see if she could see him, but then a guy waved her over. She walked to him, and he tells her to have a seat.

Stalker: It's great to see you again?
Erin: where is my son?
Stalker: Don't worry he's close by! What would you like to drink?
Erin: I just want my son back?
Stalker: then you better answer me me, What do you want to drink?
Erin: coffee black.
Stalker: how does it feel to be back home?
Erin: Great, now can you please tell me where Leo is.
Stalker: Now Erin you know we have to catch up first. How's Hank doing👀😏.
Erin: How do you know about Hank?
Stalker: How do you think you were able to come back home.
Erin: What did you do?
Stalker: I eliminated someone, so you could rightfully take your place.
Erin: You killed Hank.
Stalker:  I won't say anymore, I think I'm done here.
Erin: WHeRe Is My sOn?
Stalker: are you okay there detective, looks like you may have had to much to drink, need a lift. Don't worry Leo is safe at your dads house. I'm quite sure Detective Halstead is on his way there now. Nighty night detective!

Jay: you guys follow Erin I'm going get Leo.  Don't lose him!

Jay left and went to get Leo while the rest of the team followed Erin. It didn't take jay long to get to Hanks house, when he arrived he kicked the door and started calling out for leo.

Leo: Daddyyy Helppp please hurry.
Jay: Hey, I'm right here. Let me get these cuffs off of you and I'm going to take you to uncle Will to get checked out okay.
Leo: okay, where's mommy? That bad man said he was gonna hurt her.
Jay: Don't worry we're going see mommy soon.

Jay brought Leo to Chicago med to get checked out, while waiting he called the team and asked if they still had eyes on her.

Adam: we lost them, I don't know how he could move that fast. Mouse do you have a location from the gps.
Mouse: No I'm not getting a signal, he must be jamming it.
Jay: so we don't have eyes or ears on her?
Antonio: No, she's gone.......

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