Chapter 49

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"I'll be here then."

The next night was the Halloween party, so early the next morning Erin and Jay woke up to finish setting the house up. Jay went outside to set up the decorations while Erin started prepping the snacks.

After they finished, they made a Halloween breakfast for Leo. After Jay and Erin made breakfast they went to wake up the kids. Of course Leo was excited he wanted to jump up and put his costume on immediately. After Leo got up, he went downstairs to grab breakfast. While eating breakfast there was a knock on the door, Leo ran to the door and opened it.

" Good morning Leo, where is your parents at?"
"I think they're getting Chloe ready but they should be almost finished. Do you want to come sit and have breakfast with me while we wait for them? "

"I'd love to, and you can tell me more about you in baseball. Do you like baseball, and what's your favorite MLB team?"

"I love baseball it's my favorite sport. To answer your second question my favorite team is the Chicago Cubs. Even though I was born in New York, mom always let me cheer for the Cubs because my dad is a big fan. And I'm really good friends with all of The players. When I moved here some kids were bullying me because they didn't believe that I knew the players. So mom and dad came together and helped me out by bringing the team to my school as a surprise. That was probably the best day of my life besides meeting Dad and being there for Chloe when she was born. "

"That's amazing kiddo, you gotten to experience some amazing things in life so far. How do you like being a big brother to Chloe?"

"I really like being her big brother I get to protect her like dad protects uncle Will or like how mom and dad protect me. I will get to teach everything I know."

"Im proud of you kiddo, I think your gonna do great things when you get older."

"Can I ask you a question?"


"Why was my dad upset when he saw you? I've never seen him get mad before, and he was yelling."

"That would be my fault. When your dad was younger, we never got along. I paid more attention to your uncle, and I just felt he loved his mom more than me so I stopped paying any attention about your dad. Back then I wasn't a good person, and I took that out on your dad."

"Did you ever tell him sorry? Mom says if you hurt someone's feelings you should apologize. "

" Yea, me and you dad got to talk yesterday, I apologized for all the pain I caused him."

"That's really good, so that means you're gonna be around for a while?"

"I hope so, I really want to get to know everyone again, especially all of my amazing grandkids."

"It will be good to have a grandpa again. I really do miss my grandpa Hank."

"I heard he was a great guy, and I'm sure he misses you to. Just know he never far cause he's always in your heart."

"Thanks Grandpa!"

"Hey Leo, you ready to go?"

"Yes, dad!"

"Where are you headed?"

"They do events at police station, the firehouse and the hospital."

"I go to trick or treat and get prizes."

"Hey dad do you wanna join us, we just need to kill time before the party?"

"Sure I would love to!"

The Halstead family packed up their necessities and headed to their first stop. Trudy of course gave her favorite little kid extras, and gifted Erin's little mini me with an adorable outfit. They stayed at the station for a solid 45 minutes before heading over to the fire house. Leo was so excited to show his grandpa everything. After getting candy and prizes from their friends they then headed to final destination the hospital. Will and Natalie was working the morning shift so they volunteered to hand out candy. When Jay and the family arrived they met up with Will and Natalie. They discussed the plans for Halloween party, they was able to  plan everything, and told them what time they should arrive.

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