Chapter 40

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Jay: Morning Babe!
Erins: Morning handsome!
Jay: I'm going to go grab us some breakfast, how about you hop in the shower.
Erin: Are you trying to tell me I smell?
Jay: I mean it has been.....
Erin: JAY...
Jay: Hey I'd still love you if you smelled like sewer, but I was telling you to go shower before everyone comes back up here today.
Erin: You have a way with words, and your not wrong it's been a month since I have had a real bath.
Jay: Nat brought you some clothes, and Will said he'll bring Leo at ten. That's 2 hours from now, do you need help in the bathroom?
Erin: I might, I haven't used my legs in a month.
Jay: Well let's get you all cleaned up baby mama.
Erin: I don't like that name!!
Jay: I'm still thinking of something better, I will think of something I promise. By the end of the day to I will have a better nickname for you instead of baby mama.
Erin: If you don't what do I get?
Jay: What do you want?
Erin: A date, it's been a while.
Jay: If I win, you have to do what I say for a day.
Erin: you said yours with to much confidence, but deal.

Jay helped Erin into to the bathroom so she could shower. For the most part she could do it on her own, but she wasn't able to stand for long periods of time. After jay helped in the bathroom he helped her put her clothes on. She got situated back in bed and Jay headed out to go them some breakfast. When he returned he ran into April.

April: What time would like me to bring Chloe up?
Jay: Everyone should be here a 11:00, so after that.
April: Alright I will do that, see you later!!
Jay: Thanks!!

Jay walked around the hospital with a huge smile on his face. Today was the day that would change his life forever, he was ready to take that next step with Erin. He walked in the room to see Erin watching spongebob, it was one of Her and Leo favorite shows.

Jay: I brought foood...
Erin: Thanks I'm so hungry!
Jay: On my way up Will text him and Leo was on their way.
Erin: I miss him, even though he was here last night.
Jay: understandable..
Erin: I have a month of cuddles to make up with our munchkin.
Jay: That reminds me there's a photographer coming in here today to take pictures of Chloe.
Erin: That would be cute..
Jay: We should get us some family pictures to. I'm quite sure the photographer won't mind.
Erin: I look a mess....
Jay: No you look more beautiful than ever. I could always ask Kim or Nadia to pick you up an outfit...
Erin: Um... ummmm yea ask Nadia to pick a outfit out for me.
Jay: Okay


Will: Morning guys..
Leo: Morning momma!
Erin: Morning will, Morning munchkin! Did you have fun last night?
Leo: Yea, me and Owen stay up till 2 o'clock in the morning. Morning daddy!
Jay: Morning Bud!
Will: Here I grabbed you a set of changing clothes, and personal care products. You know so you can clean up that beard.
Erin: I like his beard, it's sexy on him but you can trim it up a little.
Jay: fine in gonna go shower too!!
Well: I'm going to go get rounds started, I'll come back around later by on.
Erin: Thank you.. I guess it's just me and you munchkin..
Leo: Well spongebob is on, and I missed your cuddles.
Erin: I've missed your cuddles too, come on.
Leo: I missed you mom, I'm glad your okay.
Erin: I'm glad too....

While Jay was in the shower the rest of the team had arrived, Nadia brought Erin a lose fitting dress. She figured Erin would want to be comfortable, Kim helped her with her make up and mouse helped Leo put his clothes on. April brought Chloe down from the NICU, she told Erin that it would great for Chloe to be outside with some fresh air. Jay suggested they do the photo shoot on the roof top, so they could get get the  skyline in the picture. Fortunately it was a nice summers day out in Chicago for a quick family photo. Everyone decided they attend, April gave them a bassinet that they use to change Chloe in while they were outside.

Erin: Ready?
Leo: Yup..
Jay: Yea, do you wanna put her first outfit on down here or up there.
Kim: I brought several options, so you pick.
Erin: Let's quickly change her then go.
Will: Photographer is in the hallway, I'll bring him and if anyone else wanna come now so you all don't over crowd the elevator.

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