Chapter 35

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After receiving all of his congratulations Leo told his parents he was ready to go. Knowing what he was about to be a big brother too was all he really cared about. They still had about 2 hours before the party, so they hit up their favorite restaurant while Kim and Nadia made sure everything looked great. Nadia set up a few games and the guys were gonna be there in a few to set up the tables, chairs and lights.

At the restaurant....

Leo: Can I get a hamburger?
Erin: You Can have anything you want Mr. MVP. Gosh I'm so proud of you munchkin!
Jay: I am to buddy, you did absolutely amazing.
Leo: Thank you, I loved having everyone there cheering me on.
Jay: we will always cheer you on, you make both of us proud to be your parents.

Waitress: Hello what can I get started for you?
Erin: two hamburgers with fries and two strawberry lemonades, babe what about you?
Jay: I'll take a burger as well, and a coke.
Waitress: I'll put the order in and I'll be back with your drinks.
Erin: Thank you!
Leo: How munch longer till the gender reveal?
Erin: after we eat we will head over, your ready to know huh?
Leo: Yes, I'm very excited, I can't wait to meet them.
Jay: I can't either, I'm so excited but very nervous.
Erin: Don't be, we're in this together all of us!
Jay: I know, I love you!
Erin: I love you too!
Leo: I love you both!
Erin+Jay: We especially love!

Their food arrives, leo dives in pretty quickly. I guess he's a growing boy, but he has the appetite of his mother. She was already halfway through her burger, she looked at jay and said "The baby is hungry!" Jay just laughed and said "baby will get all the food they want at the party". Kim sent a text saying they were done setting up and that mouse picked up gender reveal. The guest had started arriving as well.

Erin: It's time to go party baby, Kim says they're ready and guest have already started arriving.
Jay: let me pay then we can head out.
Erin: okay! Me and leo will start heading to the car!
Jay: okay I'll be right behind you!

Jay paid for their meal and headed to the car, Erin and Leo was already in the car. He wasn't expecting Erin to be in the passenger seat, so he hopped in the driver seat. She told him eventually she would be to big to drive so he might as well start practicing now. The family drove to their house, they decided to host the party at home.

Kim: Welcome to baby Halstead's gender reveal, we've got games, treats, and more fun.
Erin: Guys this looks amazing, you didn't have to go all out. I thought it was gonna be simple, like we talked about.
Nadia: Yea, we talked about it and we decided that our niece or nephew had to get spoiled like Leo.
Kim: Yup, so what game should we play first?
Nadia: How about we start with the old wives tells?
Erin: That sounds fun, what do we have to do?
Kim: we're gonna ask you a few questions and your gonna answer them. They say this helps determine if the baby is a girl or boy. Shall we get started?
Jay: Yea!

Kim: Okay can we have everyone quite, we are gonna start our first game. Old wives tell!
Nadia: Has your skin been Glowing!
Erin: Hmm I'm not sure!
Jay: Yes, she looks more radiant.
Everyone: Awww!
Kim: Cravings, more salty or more sweet!
Erin: Definitely sweet!
Nadia: Do you sleep on your left side or Right more?
Erin: I don't know, I sleep on Jay!
Jay: Both sides!
Everyone: Yea okay!
Kim: Hair glossy or dull?
Erin: Definitely Dull, baby is sucking up my hair nutrients.

"Everyone laughs"

Kim: Are you carrying high or low?
Erin: low, I always feel like about to tip over.
Nadia: Any sickness?
Erin: Hell yea, at first no, but after we found out it was non stop.
Kim: Cold feet or warm feet?
Jay: Warm!
Nadia: what about your mood?
Erin: Umm..I would say Good.
Kim: Final question, any headaches?
Erin: No!
Kim: Well we're divided, I guess we have to wait to see!

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