Chapter 48

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As everyone was cheering on the boys an older male started walking towards the group. No one noticed until he was standing behind both boys, and the expression on Jay's face had completely shifted. Will happened to look up to and then back at Jay. They're good day had just turned sour.

"Wow so these are my grandsons, you guys were amazing out there. You know one day you're going to be professional athletes. That's when you'll make the big bucks kiddos."

Leo looked back at his dad then at the man again. Leo had no idea who the man was, but Owen did.

"I'm you're g......."

"You were just leaving, and don't ever come around my son again! Leo let's go, we'll see you later guys."

"I have every right to get to know my grandson!"

"No you don't, me and Erin will decide who we want to expose our kids too."

"Why can't you be more like your brother?"

"Hey, don't bring me and my family into this."

Jay grabbed his family and left while Will and Natalie waited for Patrick to finish talking to Owen. Jay wanted no part to do with his dad trying to ease his way back into his life. So, Jay and the rest of the team left.

When Jay got in the car he was livid. He didn't know what to do.

"How dare he think he is entitled to show up out the blue to see Leo?"

"Babe he is your dad, I only know the small details you've told me about him."

"That man spent my entire childhood belittling me, and hurting me. I will not expose our kids to that man."

" When was the last time you spoken to him?"

"Last time I saw my dad was after my mom died. He was sleeping with another woman the following week."


"I thought it was better to just cut him completely out of my life. Leo and Chloe don't need the disappointment from a grandparent."

"Jay, that's the point he only has two living grandparents left your father and Bunny. She nearly killed us in the car accident, so she will never see us again."

"That's a blessing no offense to your mom!"

"She was not my mother, Camille was but back to your dad. Leo only got to meet Hank and a handful of times. So maybe you and your dad can make up so that they can have an acting grandparent in their life."

"I'd rather them not have any grandparents if they are our only options."

"Babe please! Owen gets to know his grandfather so should Leo and Chloe. Just consider it for me."

"I'll think about it but I really don't like it."

"That's all I can ask. Now let's get home and set up for the Halloween party tomorrow. Maybe you can invite him over?"

"Yea that's to soon, I just want to have fun tomorrow. All I need is you, the kids, the team and the my brother and his family."

"Okay, you did pick up the costume right?"

"Of course, I am just as excited as Leo is."

After making it home Jay and Erin started setting up the decorations for the party. Leo went to shower up and Chloe fell asleep in her playpen. After Leo finished he asked his parents for pizza, and they ordered it. While they waited for the pizza there was a knock on the door. Jay went to the door assuming it was the pizza but turns out it was Will and his family with an unexpected guest.

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