Chapter 11

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Erin: the reason my sons information is classified is because I had a stalker who was obsessed with me, but then became obsessed with Leo.
Antonio: what do you mean obsessed?
Erin: First he was sending letters addressed to me at work, then I started receiving packages at my house, at first just letters and notes. Then it escalated, I started getting death threats and Leo was mentioned, he had pictures of him and everything. He...
Mouse: Take a deep breath, then tell them.
Hailey: Tell us what??
Erin: One day I got off work early on a Friday, I headed to pick Leo up so we could go on one of our weekend trips. But when I was leaving my apartment after getting our things I was attacked, and kidnapped by a guy in a ski mask. Nick and mouse are the ones who realized something was up. Leo schooled had called and said I never picked him up.

Nick: I asked mouse to trace her phone,and we tracked it.
Mouse: He was almost out of the city limits,so I picked Leo up and kept him, while nick and the team went to find her.
Erin: a couple hours later they had finally found me, the guy had left before they had arrived. That's why I chose to classify Leo's records.
Adam: I'm still confused, what does Leo's records have to do with it?
Mouse: Er..
Erin: The guy wanted to get to Leo's dad, he wanted to kill him. He thought Leo's dad would take me away from him.
Antonio: So who is Leo's father, if you don't mind me asking? Does Leo know his dad?
Erin: His dad doesn't know about him, but Leo knows about him. Leo asks about him all the time, the FBI just didn't allow me to have contact with his dad. Since I'm no longer an FBI Agent, I can finally tell him.
Jay+Hailey: So, who is he?
Erin: ooh would you look at the time? Since I don't have a babysitter for Leo, how about I invite you all to our place for a drink?

Jay: As long as you tell us, what your not trying to tell us.
Antonio: I'll be there.
Kevin: free booze, hell yea!
Adam: is there pizza included?
Erin: Sure, I still gotta feed my boys.
Mouse: cheese
Nick: supreme!
Leo: No, pepperoni please.
Erin: anything for you!
Kim: What's your address?
Erin: 1920 Mohawk st. I'll see you all there at 6:30pm, umm Jay can I talk to you.
Jay: Umm sure I guess!
Erin: Can you come to the house a little earlier like maybe 5:30 I need to talk to you about something.
Jay: I'll be there, and if we didn't make it seem like it we're happy your back.
Erin: Thank you☺️.

Erin, Leo, Mouse, and Nick packed up their things and headed outside to Erin's detail car. She decided to order the pizza on their way home so they could pick it up, and since it was next door to and ice cream shop. Leo couldn't resist asking for ice cream, so Erin brought enough for everyone. She made sure to get Jay's favorite as wells since him and Leo like the same one. They finally arrived to their house, Erin went to the kitchen, Leo and the guys went to their rooms. Erin put some extra beers in the fridge for later, after she finished she went to change into some comfy clothes.
Before you know it was 5:30, and just like jay he was right on time.

Erin: heyyy!☺️
Jay: Hey!🙃
Erin: you can sit on the couch, it's very comfy.
Jay: you know I'm a function over form man.
Erin: 😩 just have a seat please, do you want a beer 🍺.
Jay: yea, so why did you want me to come over before everyone?
Erin: I wanted to apologize to you for 8 years ago, leaving you was probably one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. I wanted you to know the reason why I left, the case and  my badge was one thing, but I felt like I was losing you. You had packed your things and left, you didn't give me the chance to be there for you and you didn't want to come home. So I left before you could break my heart in a way you couldn't repair it.
Jay: I left because I didn't want to burden you, I was gonna come back home. I loved you Erin, hell I still do but me leaving had nothing to do with you. When Abby showed up, it opened old wounds about the army and I didn't want to put you through that.
Erin: You told me to lean on you and you would help me carry my burdens, but you didn't. We've both make mistakes, I just want to apologize for my part in your pain.
Jay: I apologize for my part in your pain as well. Can I ask you something?
Erin: Yea!
Jay: Did you ever find someone to make you happy?
Erin: yes, and no, Leo makes me happy, and romantically no. I guess no one could measure up to someone I gave my heart to. What about you? Upton?
Jay: I can say the same, no one could fill the space in heart that I saved for you. Upton, yea that never happened but i do think she have a crush on me. So tell me about your son.
Erin: He's great, he's really funny, his favorite movie is captain America because of the soldier background.
Jay: he mentioned that at work, he also mentioned you talk about me a lot to him, how come.
Erin: I talked about you a lot because legally, he couldn't meet you.
Jay: hmmm, I'm confused?
Erin: You remember I when I said I signed a deal but there was a clause, and I couldn't have no communication with anyone.
Jay: or you would go to jail, and your son would end up in the system because you didn't disclose his father. What are you saying?
Erin: Leo can you come here please?
Leo: comingggggg!
Erin: Do you remember who this is?
Leo: Yea, his name is Jay.
Erin: when we talk about him during bedtime stories who is he?
Leo: He's my dad!
Erin: Jay meet your son Leonardo William Halstead.
Jay: H... He..He's mine🥺
Erin: 🥺 Yes, he's our son.
Leo: Hi daddy!😁
Jay: 😭😭 I can not believe this!
Erin: I've waited for this day for along time, when I signed the contract to take Hanks job I could finally tell you.
Jay: 🥺 I have a son.
Erin: yea, he really missed you too.
Leo: That's why I like Captain America, because you were both soldiers. I really missed you daddy❤️.

Jay brought Leo into a big bear hug.😭❤️
Jay: I'm never going anywhere, I will always be here for you.❤️

✊ ✊🚪 ✊✊🚪✊
Erin: I guess everyone else is here!
Jay: Are you going to tell them?
Erin: I will leave that up to you?
Jay: I'm okay telling them, but I do want to talk about us later.
Erin: okay!
Adam: Finally, you open the door!
Adam: I'm kidding.
Erin: Beers in the fridge, pizza is on the island. Mouse, Nick the team is here?
Hailey: They stay here too?
Erin: Yea, I did recruit on short notice, and I have enough space for them.
Kevin: This house is amazing, this couldn't have been cheap.
Erin: I wouldn't know it came with the job. Do you wanna sit in the front room or upstairs on the balcony. There's a fire pit.
Kim: Balcony!
Adam: yea Balcony!
Jay: definitely the Balcony.

The team all grabbed a beer and some pizza, while Leo grabbed a juice box and his pizza and headed to the balcony.

Antonio: so are you gonna finish telling us about the stalker.
Erin: yea, once Leo was mentioned and he threatened his dad I chose to classify Leo records.
Adam: So when you classified the documents, his dad became classified.
Erin: yea, so only me, Leo, nick, mouse, the commander, and now his dad knows.
Kim: so you were able to get into contact with his dad.
Erin: Working for the FBI is why I couldn't tell him, since I don't work for them I told him.
Kevin: So, are you going to tell us who his dad is.
Erin: Leo, do you wanna tell them who your daddy is.
Leo: 😁 yea, 👈 he's my daddy.
Antonio: 😳
Hailey: Wait what, how do we know she's telling the truth?
Nick+Mouse: Leo how about we go play the game in your room?
Leo: On a school night!
Erin: You can play it tonight Munchkin, go ahead.
Kim: 👀
Hailey: you been gone for 8 years, and you expect us to believe jay is your sons father.

Erin: I don't give a damn what you believe, he's not your fucking son he's mine and Jay's. I've listen to you all day talk shit, terrorize my son for information, and accuse his as well. I guess you for forgot I'm the fucking BOSS I don't have to answer to no fucking body, tomorrow is your last day in my district. I don't tolerate insubordination, especially from my detectives. You can leave now.
Kim: 😳
Erin: Anybody else has anything to say.
The team: nope we're good!
Antonio: you do know your going to have to replace her right?
Erin: yea, and I already have someone to replace her.
Kim: so back to Leo.
Erin: Yes, Jay is Leo father, yes I kept it hidden, and yes jay now knows. Trust me Leo knows every fact about jay that I know, he worships jay. For his last 2 Birthdays all he wanted was to meet jay, his wish finally came true.
Antonio: So this stalker might still be looking for jay.
Erin: yea, we don't know if he ever found out it was jay.
Antonio: Did you ever find out who the stalker was?
Erin: No, he's been quiet these last few years so we hope he's done.

Kevin: I do have a question, who gonna replace Hailey?
Erin: It will be a surprise, I just gotta call her later and officially offer her a job. I guarantee she will say yes, she wanted to come with us. I guess we have room now.
Adam: Did you have to fire her?👀😬
Mouse: Dude even I saw her getting fired before Erin was introduced. When nick told me she was targeting Leo, even I wanted to kick her ass. So, yes she did need to fire her.
Jay: Hey mouse can I talk to you?
Mouse: yea, we can talk in my room......

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