~{ FOUR }~

595 38 18

>>estimated reading time > three to five minutes.

~{ rose's pov }~

I decided to go get some fresh morning air while Jack was sleeping, still in the infirmary. I wouldn't take longer.

There were loads of people on the deck, some of them seemed to be holding their breath, others were literally crying their lungs out, while others had a blank stare printed on their faces.

I felt sorry for them. For all of us. No one deserves to go through it.

And no one will totally recover from Titanic.

I turned my head and leaned my body against the rail. I could barely glance at this sparkling ocean water without remembering that night. The blue horizon blended with the sea in a thin line, and I rested my eyes and mind on that spot, the wind freshening my mind.

That was the day we would finally arrive in New York. It was a new beginning, and I couldn't be more excited. We were going to make each day count. The Rose that my mother and Cal knew is dead now. She sank with the ship (as I concluded before). And there was no turning back.

I still couldn't believe that I was really doing that. After the shipwreck that Jack and I miraculously survived, my life would change completely. I really got rid of those disgusting people.

Soon I'd be a free woman.

Walking back towards the ward, I suddenly felt a tug on the fabric of my dress. When I looked down to find out what it was, I spotted a little girl. The same blond girl I had seen hours before in the lifeboat.

"Excuse me, Miss." She began, her big blue eyes focused on the ground. "May you help me to find my mummy?" My heart thawed with her politeness.

How could I say no to her? She had already been thinking a lot and she couldn't stay away from her mother at that moment.

I knelt down to stare straight at her eyes. "Can you tell me your name, please?" The girl seemed to think before answering my question.


"Alright, Hazel. I will help you to find your mummy."

I held her hand and took us back to the infirmary. Jack was already awake and the old nurse was there with him.

"There you are!" Said the nurse as she noticed me. "Where have you been? I was looking for you, missy!" Will she take care of my life as well?

"I went outside to get some air." I explained. Jack looked confused when he saw the little girl holding my hand. "Can you help this girl to find her mother? She got lost." I said to the old woman.

"Oh dear... That's not my job. I need to stay here for those people." How can she say that this is not her job? I thought her job was to help people. I think she could see the huff in my eyes. "Well, there's a crew member on this deck, it's near. Take her to him and he will solve this, okay?" She tapped my back.

I didn't want to leave Jack alone. I promised myself that I would not be apart from him. But I just can't leave this girl by herself, it wouldn't be fair.

"Jack, I -" He trailed me off.

"It's okay." Jack cleaned his throat, his voice still was thick. "Go help the child."

I looked straight at his blue eyes. "I will be right back." It sounded more like a promise. He nodded, assuring me that everything would be alright.

Then, I left the ward, taking the little girl with me. I was afraid of meeting that coward. No, it would be quick, and he won't be on the third class deck. Of course not.

"Where are you taking me?" Sobbed the girl. She was scared.

"I will take you to a kind man that is going to help you to find your mummy, Hazel." I kept walking, searching for that man.

"But I don't want to go with him!" She yelled, tapping her foot. It wasn't the right time, but it was so cute seeing someone too little and too stubborn at the same time.

Before I could think of an answer, I found the crew member. There were some few women around him, and as I blinked my eye, the girl ran away to a tall and well dressed woman. A woman that I knew. Immediately, I turned back, covering my hair with the blanket.

"Mummy!" Hazel shouted.

"God, Hazel. You scared me!" The woman - Claire - said.

Then, I came back to Jack, feeling proud of myself.


"We are going to arrive in New York in a few minutes, Miss." Announced the crew member.

I stood up from the bed and my vision blurred. I was feeling a bit weak, my muscles also shaking, but I was able to get out of this damn ship without any help. Of course, my throat still burned and my head was aching, so the nurse gave me five pills to take every night before I left for the deck.

I could tell that Jack was also very weak, he hadn't eaten anything in the past few days, he told me that his throat didn't allow him to swallow even his spittle. So, as my vision came back to normal, I helped him to do the same and then. I held his waist and passed his arm around my shoulders.

"What are you doing?" Jack asked, almost laughing in my face.

"You need help, don't you?"

"I think who needs help is you. You're trembling, Rose."

"I'm fine." My tone was stern. "C'mon, let's get off of this ship." At the moment I said that, my vision began to blur again and I suddenly lost my equilibrium.

The last thing I remember is feeling Jack's arms holding me before I fall to the ground.

All I saw was black, and I heard nothing but a tinnitus.

Oh my God, guys! What's going to happen to Rose? And who was that little misterious girl? Comment your opinions below, I'm curious to read it!

Thank you so much for comming here💖

(edited on Jan 14th, 2023).

loads of love,

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