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I hadn't planned on updating this weekend, but I couldn't help myself lol! I bet this is the chapter you've been longing for, so here you go!


Philadelphia, April 3rd, 1913

The weeks flew by. The baby twirled and moved more often, I didn't take the lessons anymore, Caledon had been clearly betraying me, and the fancy, full of shit dinners we're almost like a religious tradition for those people.

Still, there was one person who knew about Jack and I.

There was a reason why, two months after I got the diamond, I was still in there.

Philadelphia, December 28th, 1912

The dim light outlined her silhouette, sat in an armchair with her posture straight, hair falling down the shoulders. Besides the lack of illumination, I could feel her intense stare drilling my soul.

It hit me like a punch on the stomach, the kind of one that makes you panting for air. Like a conscious nightmare where you couldn't wake yourself up. For my agony, it all was as real as Titanic's shipwreck.

My feet glued on the ground, my legs wobbled and my heart raced. Ruth knew it. She fucking knew it.

"Rose?" She called, a hint of disappointment in her tone. I kept my gaze on the ground. "You have been meeting him secretly, haven't you?" In a matter of seconds, all the pain, the ache, the sacrifice were worth nothing. In a matter of seconds, words shattered dreams, and hearts, that could never recover from the wounds those words made. "There's no use for lying, I know it."

"You know nothing." I stuttered, panting, adrenaline seeping through my veins.

She chortled sarcastically, "Where were you?"

I blinked one time before the words slipped out of my mouth. "Strolling through the neighbourhood. The baby was kicking a lot so I couldn't sleep."

I amazed myself at that very believing lie.

Ruth shocked her head, "That was impressive, congratulations. But what about the dirty coat? What about the nervousism you're feeling right now?" She pointed out, staring at it with disgust.

My gaze dropped to the old coat over my shoulders, realising I had forgotten to give it back to him.

It was a lost battle, not worthy of my struggle anymore. 

She raised her eyebrows, full of herself. "Just like I thought. You've been meeting that Dawson rat."

I gritted my teeth."Don't you dare to call him that again."

Nothing could describe the blend of emotions that flushed through my body. My heartbeat was heard in my ears, cold sweat began to soak my face and hands, my legs wobbled like jelly. Where did it go wrong?

"I will make sure to tell Caledon today." She announced, proudly.

My world stopped.

I took a step closer to where she sat. "No, no you can't do that." The agony was clear in my tone.

She shrugged, proudly of owing me in the palm of her hands. "Of course I can."

"Please, don't." I knelt down to look straight into her eyes. They reflected no mercy nor compassion. They were an empty blue shade. Desperately, I grasped both her hands on mine, hoping to make her believe me, just once. She wasn't expecting that, indeed, but her features didn't change. "Caledon could... He is able to kill Jack. He will harm me as a punishment, mentally and physically. I am... I am your daughter, your only daughter. You can avoid it all. Don't tell him, please." I was genuine, I let my emotions show, I was vulnerable right in front of her. To save us from the most inhuman person I know.

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