~{ ONE }~

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Fisrt chapter, here you go!

>>estimated reading time ->  four to six minutes

~{ rose's pov }~

People yelled and begged desperately at the boats moving away towards the icy, dusk horizon. The freezing breeze brushed ruffianly on our faces as we swam. The choppy waves broke against my body. There was a stuffy sound of a whistle echoing through the boundless atmosphere that could cause you to get more panicked by the second.
What on earth could be worse than that?

"It's so cold ..." I managed to say through the crowd of frightened humans and desperate yells from those who fought for their lives, but ended up swallowing some of that freezing, salty water, causing my throat to burn like hell.

Hell. I bet this tragedy can be compared to what it feels like.
"Swim Rose! I need you to swim!" Jack shouted and immediately fetched my arm under water.

My vision was completely blurry, due to the freezing water drops in my eyelashes and the endless murkiness from both sky and ocean. My brain got numb, but I was still able to figure out that a piece of wood was floating just in front of us.

The more I struggled against the water flow, the more I choked with the salty water which made my mouth freeze and my throat sting.

"Rose! Get up here." I barely had control of my body, it trembled as much as the quickened beats of my heart. Still, I decided to follow what Jack said.

Jack. His skin got paler than the moonlight, his lips as blue as the ocean we once watched embedded in sunlight, some hours ago. I suppose I looked the same. My muscles felt so sore that I had to put on some good effort to move my body.

After I went up, Jack leaned on the edge of the wood, prompting his elbows on it. Was he remaining in that icy ocean?

"Jack, you can't stay in the water." I stated, stumbling through the words, my chin shaking and my mouth salty.

"Rose, I'm fine. Don't worry a-about me." His voice was broken, no visible spark of hope in the pale blue of his eyes.

"Jack, n-no. You-" I managed to say, but he wouldn't listen to me.

"Shhh! Don't worry. The bo-ats will c-come back." I held his hands tightly and kept my eyes on his. The yells were not so intense anymore, but the whistles blowing were endless.

I nodded, trusting that his words would become true.

"You will freeze! P-Please... Come up." I begged, tightening my grasp on his hands at the thought of the worse. Why does it have to be so unfair? I found happiness and love, and my life proceeded with a major catastrophe.

He took a while before speaking again, perhaps due to the cold which made our muscles sore and numb our hearts.

"If this... wood sink, you will keep... keep fighting, okay? Never let go, Rose." He whispered, his voice raspy. A crisp breeze blew, unbalancing the wood as the waves stirred.

With some effort, I nodded. "I'll... help you."

The piece of wood wobbled when he pushed himself up, squeezing his body to fit in. I grabbed his hand anew, the icy of his skin melting with mine, and when he was certain that the wood was stable, he laid down beside me and wrapped his trembling arms around me. I leaned my head closer to his, wincing at the pain of my frozen bones.

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