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Updating as I promised! I hope you enjoy it as I enjoyed writing this one :)


~ rose's pov ~

Philadelphia, April 3rd, 1913

Roughly, another four months went by. Some days, I contented myself with the small, even silly things that were able to lighten up my days a little bit. He would brighten up my days as well, precious minutes of true love, of real suffering and devotion to one another. He was my sun, whenever he was around, my soul would glimmer like diamonds. Some days, when it all got rougher, when I felt dreadfully defeated by life, when the clouds grew upon the sunlight and the defying silence made the room colder, I would place my hand over my baby bump, to remind myself I wasn't alone, to remind myself this battle was worth fighting, because she was my reason to go on; she depended on me for life, the same way I depended on her. That angel was our tiny miracle, a living proof of our love, our story would be living in her, forever.

Of course, the drama was excessive in that house, thanks to Ruth. After our discussion in December, she didn't have the guts to look me into the eyes. If you studied her closely, you would notice how she had a burden over her shoulders, that guilt that seemed to give her goosebumps, and the huge ego of hers that wouldn't allow her to seek an apology, at the very least. I had grown tired of failing my attempts to show her the truth. Sometimes I would catch myself wondering if the real truth was too much for her to handle, so instead of opening her eyes, I decided to allow her to play pretend with Caledon and I, even though she knew it would never happen. I decided to let her be.

Caledon, for sure, was cheating. Indeed, I was aware of what the business he had to deal with, right after dinner, were about: women. That became a blessing, since the nights we had to share a bed weren't too much. In those nights, my mind just wouldn't rest, my eyes refused to shut and my escape was the garden. I would watch the first sun gleams staining the blue sky with its orangish rays, along with the chirping of the birdies from the trees above me.

The dinners were draining. Playing pretend with Caledon along with the hollow stares coming from wealthy, narcissist guys made my soul burn and my lungs pant for air. It would never change. At least, the food was enjoyable.

Now, while listening to some random music on the radio, I kept the balcony's door open, the candle lightened, watching the mulches dance with the wind's melody. My feet were swollen, my back was sore and my muscles were aching. Caring a child could be exhausting sometimes.

However, tonight was special. Later on tomorrow, Jack would be buying the tickets that would set both of us free, the passages that would take us to the UK. But first, he needed the money.

That was when my thoughts were interrupted by the abrupt sway of the branches, and I knew he was there. Struggling a little to get on my feet, I stepped towards the balcony, spotting his silhouette climbing over the rail, subtly outlined by the pale moonlight.

"Jack" I whispered when he stepped inside, a smile wobbling on my face as I gazed at his messy hair, falling over his forehead, and his clumsy posture, the same I had met almost a year ago.

"You're beautiful tonight, Rosebud." He leaned forwards to kiss my forehead, pulling me into his embrace, and I allowed myself to thaw in his arms, breathing in his familiar smell of cheap cologne that reminded the sea breeze.

With his arms wrapped on my waist, my hands travelled to hold the back of his neck, my heart beating erratically inside my chest as his gaze locked into mine. That familiar bluish shade, the fondness readable in them, reminded me that I was home.

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