~{ TWENTY }~

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Hello, folks! It's Christmas Eve, so I'm wishing you a happy and blessed Christmas, full of love! I decided to give y'all an update as my Christmas gift, so here you go :)



~{ jack's pov }~

Watching Rose sleeping had become one of my favourite things since we had been living together. She looked like an angel when her crimson eyelashes rested peacefully on her cheeks, as all of her features were relaxed in a way that she could become even more gorgeous than she is when she's awake.

The shy sun gleams were pouring through the wooden window of the most humble and cheapy shelter room, illuminating Rose's murky silhouette under the gray blanket. The benefit of waking up before her was that I could draw her relaxed features. Draw an angel.

As the graffiti glided through the paper and my eyes swayed between her features and the white paper sheet, I couldn't help but think about how lucky I was to have won those tickets for The Ship of Dreams, how lucky I was to have saved this girl, and to fall in love with her. Otherwise, I wonder where I would be if any of that happened... or how Rose would be if I didn't suddenly pop up in her life... would we stick together if the ship didn't sink?

Until a hoarse, sleepy voice led me back to reality.

"Good morning..." Rose woke up when the sunlight kissed her face, the azure of her eyes becoming as blue as the sky. A lazy grin formed in her lips when her glaze wandered to the paper.

"Good morning, Rosebud." I smiled back. The sun gleams in her hair made it look even more fiery than usual. I loved how the colour of her strands suits her stubborn personality.

I loved her.

She yawned, "Shall I stay still? I won't mind at all."

"Don't worry, you can move if you want." I chuckled softly at her concern about my drawing.

Yet, she didn't move, "What time is it?"

I raised my eyebrows, "It's too early to find a job." She grunted. "No store opens at six in the morning." I chuckled softly at her sudden worry about the job as I carefully skidded my finger through the paper, finishing the shadowing.

Somehow, I realised that the drawing wasn't that important anymore. "I think I can finish this later." I admitted, exhaling and wiping the dust off the sketch and placing it on the desk. Since we were both busy with our jobs, we wouldn't spend the amount of time we used to, so I wouldn't waste the small time we had with something that wasn't important at all.

"Come here" Rose muttered, a lazy smile playing on her lips when she moved to the side.

I laid beside her, enveloping her body in my arms. She huddled on to me, resting her head in my chest and her curls tickled softly on my chin.

Comfortable silence paired in the air as I listened to the sound of her soothing breathing, stroking her hair gently.

"Rose," I whispered softly. And I got a lazy moan as a reply. I didn't know if that was the best moment to ask her about that sensitive topic, but I kept going anyway. "How about... the nightmares? Do you still dream about it?"

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