~{ ELEVEN }~

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~{ Rose's POV }~

A cold breeze skimmed in my face as we stepped out of the train, contrasting with the last time, where the sun warmed my skin and enriched my melanin.

Winsconsin, here we are.


Staring at the dark and quiet city, I tried to get some sleep as I also enjoyed the warmth of Jack's arms holding me against his chest, his heavy breath brushing against my neck making my lips curve up in a slight smile. 

Our money was at its end, and we decided that it would be better to use it to buy food, instead of paying for some place to sleep.

It wasn't that bad, to be honest. It's not that cold in California, and sleeping under the bridge sounds quite nice -and new- to me. I'm hungry, but I can bear with that, I should get used to not have proper meals everyday.

The worst thing was the harsh floor, that made me get some cool wounds in my elbows and ankles. But thankfully we got some cardboard from a small market nearby, and that could make the ground slightly better than before.

I remember how cute Jack was, saying that he could pay the room to me, and he could sleep outside. But of course I didn't let him do that. I'm not an old woman who needs excessive care, and we should save money, right?

And, somehow, the nightmares didn't catch me last night. That's already something, I guess.

Now, with my eyes closed, I kept wondering how my mother reacted when she got to know that I died. Is she missing me? Or she doesn't even care about it anymore?

God, my mind doesn't let me rest in peace!

I let out a deep breath, trying to avoid the knot on my stomach. That thing bothered me badly. Then, Jack tightened his grip on my waist, making me acknowledge that he was awake.

"Jack!" I whispered.

"What?" He replied in a lazy tone.

"I can't sleep." I told him in a low voice.

"Me neither. Do you wanna talk?" I turned to face him, nodding. "What's the matter, Rosie?"

"Oh, well..." I took a deep breath before starting. "I just keep thinking about Mother. Do you think she looked for me before going back to her shitty life?"

He thought a bit before answering in a low, soothing voice. "She's your mother, she must have looked for you somewhere." Gently, he took a curl behind my ear. I love when he does that.

"I shouldn't be thinking about her." I admit, letting out a sight.

"It's okay to think about her." Jack's mind seemed to be far away from where we were. His eyes were staring at the stars, as if he was watching memories in the brightness of them.

~{ jack's pov }~

Oh, if only she knew about the flashbacks about that damn day...

"Sometimes I miss my old life, just like you miss your mother." I told Rose, remembering about my parents faces. "I miss arriving at home and seeing my mom sewing, or waiting for my dad to come back home, excited to show him what I did all day. I miss hearing their voices, arguing about who should do the dishes. I miss those things, y'know?" A tear ran down my cheek, but I wiped it quickly.

I trusted her enough to tell her about my parents. To show her my most vulnerable side, the side probably no one had ever seen before.

"They would be proud of who you are now." She comforts me, taking her hand to my cheek. My lips curved up a little bit.

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