~{ TWO }~

887 53 36

>>estimated reading time -> five to seven minutes.

~{ jack's pov }~

The boats were not as crowded as I thought they would be, there were several empty places. The moment we were rescued from those infernal waters, people received us with both charitable and empathetic looks, which became a very comforting act. The crewmember had given us two blankets, which did not help much to warm us up, especially since we were soaked. My chin trembled and I didn't even feel when my whole body shivered, due to the crispy dawn air, and the panic we all have been through.

We sat on the last seat of the boat. Rose rested her wet head on my shoulder and intertwined our fingers, her freezing skin against mine. I felt relieved that she was fine, we both survived the shipwreck. It had been a miracle, indeed. Still, I couldn't picture how this nightmare would end.

Anything could happen.

We were all vulnerable due to the extreme temperatures our bodies were exposed to, there was no food, and there was no water and no ships to rescue us. And I couldn't help my body from trembling, still feeling my brain cold like an ice stone.

I decided to look around us, and I regretted the sight my eyes caught. There was a sea of ​​innocent souls near us; they were all white as ghosts, frozen. The sky was dark, lit only by the dim light of the stars. The temperature had not improved; the air froze our lungs with each inhalation and made anyone shiver and curse that "dreamy" ship.

It didn't feel real.

"I'm so tired." Rose murmured. I glanced at her, her head still prompted on my shoulder.

What was I supposed to do?

"D-do you want to lie down? I ca-n sit on the floor a-and..." I whispered, my voice still weak. She squeezed my hand and trailed me off.

"No." She raised her face. I couldn't help but notice how swollen and bloodshot her eyes were, contrasting with her light, delicate iris. Her skin, still silkier than the moonlight, being the opposite of her dark bluish lips. "Stay with me." I wanted to smile, but my muscles didn't allow me to do that.

Then I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close to me. She leaned her head against my chest and took a deep breath.

A cold breeze blew up suddenly and made it colder than it already was. It felt like we had stopped in time. People didn't dare to pronounce a single word. Just the sound of the water hitting the boat hull was audible. I understood why these people were silent. I couldn't even imagine what it was like to lose a loved one in a shipwreck like this.

The sinking of the unsinkable ship of dreams. It seemed surreal.

At least we were no longer drenched in the ocean water.

I turned my gaze to Rose and stroked her messy hair; her temperature could be the same as an ice statue.

"I love you too." I mumbled.

I noticed from the corner of my eye that a man was staring at me, but I decided to stay focused on the girl in my arms.

"How long have you been together?" The dark bearded guy asked, in a low tone. I hesitated, but decided to answer.

"We met on the Titanic." I replied, keeping my voice low, still focused on her. The man raised his eyebrows in an expression of surprise.

"And do you think you know what love really is? In almost five days?" His black eyes widened. That man was trying to insult me? Right now? Oh, for fucks sake.

Titanic ~ Unsinkable LoveWhere stories live. Discover now